Statewide Descriptor Tables


Statewide Descriptor Tables are control tables that affect other tables in STARS for all agencies. These tables are established by Idaho Code. The State Controller's Office (SCO) administers and maintains the statewide Descriptor Tables using the STARS- Descriptor Table Maintenance/Inquiry screen (S023).

In addition to storing descriptive titles, the Descriptor Tables also contain the valid fiscal codes used in STARS. Thus, in many cases when you enter codes (as a part of an accounting transaction), STARS will check to ensure that the codes are present in the Descriptor Tables. If STARS cannot find the codes, it will display an error.

Statewide Descriptor Tables include:

D01 - Entity Control                          

D02 - Agency                        

D07 - Department                              

D10 - Expenditure Subobject                        

D13 - Balance Sheet Category

D14 - Balance Sheet Class   



D20 - Fund Group                             

D21 - GAAP Fund Type                                

D22 - Fund                            

D23 – Fund Detail                             

D28 - Interagency Billing                              

D30 - Treasurer's General Ledger Account   

D31 - General Ledger Account                     

D32 - Subsidiary                                

D34 - Revenue Subobject                              

D40 - Grant CFDA Number                          

D41 - GAAP Indicator                                  

D43 - Govermental Class                              

D44 - Proprietary Class                                 

D45 - GAAP Fund                            

D50 - Trans Code Comment-Approval         

D51 - Error Message Description                  

D52 - Error Correction                                  

D57 - Disbursment Method Indicator (DMI)

D58 - Restrictive Mailing Indicator              

D59 - EFT Description Ind                           

D60 - Purge Control Date                              

D61 - Date Control                            

D62 - Accounting Period                               

D63 - Print ID                        

D64 - Report Control                         

D66 - Operator Class                         

D70 - Encumbrance Tolerance Limits           

D71 - State Goals                               

D72 - State Objective                        

D75 - Prior FY Warrant Cancel Date            

D85 - Warrant Bank Distribution                  

D86 - Warrant Status Codes                          

D87 - Vendor Payment EFT Account           

D98 - Descriptor Table Security                    

D99 - Descriptor Definition Table

To view these tables on STARS:

  1. On the STARS Main menu, type T in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type 23 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  3. Enter an R in the FUNCTION field.
  4. Enter the Descriptor Table number in the TABLE-ID-NUMBER, and then press ENTER.
  5. The Descriptor Table will be displayed.

The S023 screen can also be opened by using 23 in the INTERRUPT field of whichever STARS screen you have open.

Figure 1 - Descriptor table example

STARS descriptor table screen 

Descriptor Table Form

To request SCO to enter data for most descriptor tables, download and use the DESCR-23 form.

Organization Structure Maintainence Form

Download and use the Organization Structure Maintenance​ ORG-23 form to request data entry of the following agency classification structure descriptor tables (see the Classification Structure document for more information):

  • Division (D03)
  • Bureau (D04)
  • Section (D05)
  • Unit (D06)

Program Structure Maintenance Form

Download and use the Program Structure Maintenance PGM-23 form to request data entry of the following agency classification structure descriptor tables (see the Classification Structure document for more information):

  • Function (D15)
  • Activity (D16)
  • Program (D17)
  • Element (D18)
  • PCA1 (D19)

See the individual Descriptor Table documents for use on this form. Each descriptor table has its own unique table number, key data, reference data, and title requirements.