Reset or Change Your Passwords
If you forget any of your passwords or are ‘locked out’ of the system, contact your agency’s STARS administrator or e-mail the SCO Computer Service Center Help Desk at with the following information, depending on which password you need reset: I need my CESN password reset. My Userid is _____. I need my DSYS password reset. My Operator ID is _____. The CESN Userid and Password logs you onto the mainframe. The DSYS Operator ID and Password logs you into STARS. If your passwords have expired, you can update them yourself.
1. The first password you encounter is used to log on to the mainframe. To log on, press PAUSE to clear the screen, and type “CESN” at the blank screen. 2. On the next screen type your Userid and password. This password is referred to as your CESN password.3. If your password is about to or has expired (you may see a warning stating, for example, TX7003xx Password will expire on 08/17/2013), type the ‘old’ password in the Password field, and then type a new password in the New Password field. You will be prompted to re-enter the new password. Password requirements are outlined here on the Computer Services Web site. Figure 1 - CESN Userid and Password
1. The second password is used to log on to STARS. To log on to STARS, press PAUSE to clear the screen, type DSYS at the blank screen, and then type your Operator ID and password.2. If your password is about to or has expired, type the ‘old’ password in the Password field, and then type a new password in the New Password field. You will be prompted to re-enter the new password.3. When your new password is accepted, you will see the message, “Password Successfully Updated. Press Enter to Continue.” Figure 2 - DSYS Operator ID and Password