Encumbrances are the recognition of commitments that will subsequently become expenditures when goods and services are received. As Idaho Code states, they are reductions against appropriations in anticipation of an object coded expenditure. Encumbrances help manage available appropriation and budget balances.
STARS tracks the fiscal year in which the encumbrance was created, automatically records partial or final liquidations, and allows adjustments to be made to outstanding encumbrances. As payments or adjustments are made to the encumbrance, the available balance is reduced. STARS online file inquiry screens and miscellaneous expenditure reports provide detailed and summarized information about encumbrances.
The administrator of the Division of Financial Management (DFM) must approve most encumbrances before the encumbrance balance can be rolled from one fiscal year to the next. Idaho Code 67-3521 explains which encumbrances do not fall under DFM authority.
Payments against an encumbrance must be coded with the same Object, funding source, Budget Unit and Fiscal Year that were used to create the encumbrance. The following are some basic guidelines for encumbrance payments:
The following are some controls and guidelines related to the fiscal year:
The following example illustrates the purchase and encumbrance of $600 worth of office equipment.
Record an encumbrance using a TC 215. Appropriation reports would show the following:
Original Appropriation
Available Balance
The encumbrance amount decreases the available balance due to the legal obligation.
Liquidate the encumbrance by paying the bill using a TC 236. If the vendor was another state agency and they billed using an interagency bill, pay using TC 241. Appropriation reports would then show the following:
The expenditure amount increased by the $600 and the encumbrance amount decreases by the same amount. Available balance remains the same. In general, the following apply when using TC 236 or TC 241:
Use the following transaction codes to create an encumbrance.
(Approval level 3)
This transaction code records a new encumbrance. STARS includes encumbrances in the balance totals on appropriation and expenditure-type reports. You must enter the following elements.
Enter an eight-character current document number and a two-digit suffix. Use any document number you wish.
NOTE: STARS uses this number on the Document File to identify the encumbrance.
Enter transaction code 215 (record an encumbrance, not previously pre-encumbered).
Enter a four-character alphanumeric Index or a five-character alphanumeric PCA. Your Index or PCA usually looks up a Fund and Budget Unit, which are also required elements.
Four-character code.
Four-digit code.
Enter a four-digit expenditure subobject and a two-digit detail to identify the payment category. The two-digit detail is optional.
Enter the amount of the encumbrance.
Enter the document date (MMDDYY). This is usually the date of the purchase order or agreement.
Use the following transaction codes to liquidate an encumbrance.
TC 236 pays the vendor and reduces the balance of the encumbrance. The following fields are required.
Enter TC 236.
Enter an eight-character current document number and a two-digit suffix.
Enter the eight-character reference document number and two-digit suffix of the encumbrance. This is the “current document number” you used when you did the original TC 215 to set up the encumbrance.
Enter the two-digit budget fiscal year of the encumbrance.
STARS will pull this data from the encumbrance record.
STARS will pull this data from the encumbrance record. If the information is different, enter the new expenditure subobject. This subobject must be in the same Object series (5000, 6000, etc.) used on the original encumbrance document.
Enter the payment amount. STARS edits will prevent you from over-expending a prior year encumbrance.
Fourteen-character field that will print on the remittance advice.
If the vendor number/suffix was entered on the encumbrance, STARS will autofill this for you. Otherwise, enter the nine-character vendor number and two-character suffix of the vendor you are paying.
Data elements to double check or verify:
Enter the one-character modifier to finalize the document.
Blank – Additional payments will be made against this encumbrance.
F or C – Final payment/cancel (both work the same). Enter this on the last payment against the document. If this is a prior year encumbrance, STARS will generate a transaction to liquidate the remaining balance, if any, of the corresponding appropriation.
A – If you finalized a current year document, you can re-open the document with this modifier. Prior year encumbrances cannot be adjusted in this manner.
Thirty-character invoice number that will print on the remittance advice. Use to help identify or explain the transaction more fully than the invoice number.
Enter a one-character reversal indicator, if needed.
R – Decrease the encumbrance payment (current year encumbrances only).
Blank – Normal.
If subobject posts to the Fixed Asset System, enter the ten-character property number and the two-digit component number.
See the various FAS chapters for additional information.
Current year encumbrances can be adjusted or cancelled. Prior year encumbrances can be cancelled or reduced, but not increased. Use the following transaction codes to adjust or cancel a previously created encumbrance.
Use TC 220 to increase and a TC 220R to reduce an encumbrance. Prior year encumbrances cannot be increased using this transaction code. If a prior year encumbrance has been cancelled or reduced in error, contact the DSA Helpline at servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov for assistance.
The following fields are required.
Enter transaction code 220 (adjust an encumbrance).
R – Decrease the encumbrance amount (current or prior year).
Blank – Increase the encumbrance amount (current year only).
Enter the amount by which to increase or decrease the encumbrance.
Enter up to thirty-characters that will help identify or explain the transaction.
(Approval level 3) Use TC 225 to cancel an existing encumbrance.
Enter transaction code 225 (cancel an encumbrance).
Enter the one-character modifier to cancel the document.
F or C – Final or Cancel (both work the same).
Enter the balance of the encumbrance or enter zero.
In addition to STARS reports, most STARS data is available in IBIS in the State of Idaho Public Folders, Statewide Reports, Accounting, Document File Activity report (select Account Number 4300 when creating a report).
The following reports are available through the SCO Online Reporting application.
DAFR6530 Encumbrance Status by VendorLists the status and balance amounts of encumbrances, grouping the encumbrances by vendor number/suffix. Totals by vendor, then organization, then by GL account (4300), and then by Fund.DAFR6840 Encumbrance Status by Fund, Program, and ObjectLists the status and balance amounts of encumbrances using the Program/PCA structure. The report sorts by Fund, then Program, and then Object.DAFR8070 Encumbrance Status by Fund, Org, and ObjectLists the status and balance amounts of encumbrances using the Organization/Index structure. The report sorts by Fund, then Organization, and then Object.DAFR8140 Encumbrance AgingLists encumbrances, showing a balance amount for each encumbrance by 0-180 days, 180-360 days, and over 360 days. Totals by GL account (4300), then by Fund, and then for agency.