​​​​​​Legacy: Donate Leave

Purpose: The Donate Leave form allows state employees to donate their sick leave hours to another eligible state employee's sick leave balance, in addition to being able to donate vacation hours through the same process.

Note: If you would like to request donated leave, contact your agency Payroll Department or Human Resources for assistance. ​

DHR's Policy on Donating Leave (Section 6)​

When an employee wants to donate time to another employee, the appropriate forms must be filled out and sent to the State Controller's Office for processing.

Note Terminated employees are unable to donate leave beyond their effective Termination/Separation date

If the donating and receiving employees are at different agencies, the donating agency is to complete the Donating Agency Required Information first and then securely send the form to the receiving agency Appointing Authority.

Note As of March 1, 2022 Health Districts are no longer state agencies and therefore can only donate and receive internally (only within the Health Districts and no other agencies). If a Health District Employee tries to donate to another agency the form will not be processed and will be sent back to the receiving agency.

If the completed form is inconsistent with the law, the form will not be processed and will be returned to the receiving agency. It will be the responsibility of the receiving agency to notify the donating agency that the form was not processed.

It is recommended that the agency retain a copy for their records.

Where is the form located?

1. Open the Forms page located on the SCO website

2. Select Donated Leave 

Filing out the Form

Donating Agency Responsibility

Employee ID – Unique identification number assigned to employees which can be found in Luma under "My Profile" or utilizing the "Find a Coworker search"

Effective for Pay Date - Either the current pay date or the next pay date that the requesting employee has selected leave be applied.

Note Donated Leave forms will only be processed for the current pay period. Forms will be accepted for the following pay period, however they will not be processed until the current pay period is closed.

Donate Hours and Type - In the Total Donated Hours field, enter the number of hours you would like to donate. Select the Donate Type and choose the type of leave you would like to donate, either Vacation or Sick. Leave can be donated up to a tenth of an hour. 

Example: 4.5 hours

  • Minimum of four (4) hours
  • Maximum of eighty (80) hours

At least four (4) hours must be donated and no more than eighty (80) hours can be donated in one pay period. Employees donating leave cannot donate more than one eighty (80) hours in a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).

If the minimum and maximum number of hours that can be donated are not met, the form will not be processed and returned to the receiving agency.

Employee Signature - Either a digital or wet signature is acceptable.

Donating Authority Agreement Acknowledgement that the appointing authority agrees, and certifies that the employee is eligible to donate leave and meets the requirements within.​

Note:​ Appointing Authority must be an Agency Director or have the Generalist 3, Agency HR (workflow approver) or Agency Payroll (WFM) security roles.

View the document linked below to see which Appointing Authority roles can sign for Donated Leave. 

Appointing Authority Signature Roles (SAR Form).docx

Receiving Agency Responsibility

The receiving employee is eligible only if they or a family member suffers from a serious illness or injury

Note: Criteria used to determine leave donation eligibility differs from criteria used to determine Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) eligibility.

No employee may receive more than (160) hours of transferred leave in a given fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)

Per Idaho Code 67-5334, all sick and vacation balances must be exhausted before an employee is eligible to receive donated time. Therefore, the receiving employee's total sick and vacation balances must be less than the employee's normal pay period hours.

Note: The Total Donated Hours on the completed form is the amount of hours that will be transferred to the receiving employee

​Submitting the form

After all fields have been completed in the donating and receiving sections, the receiving agency should then attach the form to the Open a Support Case Request in the Service Portal.​