Cash Receipt Deposits and Transaction Codes
The State receives cash in the form of checks, currency, coin, and warrants. Agencies must deposit the cash into the State Treasury through the State Treasurer's Office (STO) or into an STO bank account. In turn, agencies need to post the cash deposits to STARS for control and accountability. To post cash deposits to STARS, you must complete individual cash receipt transactions and a batch header.
Agencies can use the Cash Receipts web application rather than STARS.
At the end of the year, the State Controller's Office (SCO), with input from agencies, collects additional cash receipts accrual information. Under the accrual basis, SCO records revenues at the time they are earned without consideration to the actual receipt of cash. Doing this helps present more accurate financial reports.
The State Treasurer's Office (STO) receives different cash deposits. The source of the cash determines the type of cash deposit. Below are brief descriptions of cash deposit types with more detailed description afterwards. Some of these deposits require using a BATCH HEADER form and/or RCPT form.
When making a cash receipt deposit or adjustment through STARS, you can use both a BATCH HEADER form and a RCPT (Cash Receipt) form. The BATCH HEADER form totals the amount you are depositing (or adjusting). The RCPT form shows data entry personnel how to code the individual cash receipt transactions.
The following batch types are used to complete a batch header for cash receipt deposits. These are the batch types used by the State Treasurer for processing on their system.
Once you create a batch header, refer to the correct transaction codes below to classify the cash.
The Batch Date on the batch header is the date you take the deposit to the State Treasurer's Office (STO), regardless of their cut-off time.
IMPORTANT: Have your batches on STARS by the time you take the deposit to the State Treasurer's Office. If you are unable to meet that timeline, have your batch on STARS for their release no later than 1:00 p.m.
Most of the revenue transaction codes require a revenue subobject. The subobject determines the type of receipt being deposited. To determine the types of receipt requirements for your agency, you may need to review the Idaho Code section for your agency that governs your agency deposits.
Determine the source of the cash to determine the transaction code to use. The following are some commonly used receipt transaction codes. Detailed descriptions follow below the table. Also, once you identify the transaction code, you can go online to the Transaction Code Decision Table or to the DAFR8640 report for more TC requirement information.
Idaho Code 67-3516 (2) governs which receipts can increase the agency's appropriation.
NOTE: Since insurance proceeds may be a settlement for repairs, the Legislative Services Office (LSO) allows insurance proceeds to be posted to operating expenses as reimbursement for those repairs.
A Receipt to Appropriation transaction code (TC 027) posts to general ledger accounts 5000 (DR-budgetary clearing), 5010 (CR-appropriations), 1003 (DR-cash in treasury), and 4100 (CR-revenues).
Important tips for entering TC 027:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 027.
NOTE: STARS will have already filled in the BFY and effective date.
TC 101 records a regular receipt that is not for an interagency billing. Use this TC if you are classifying revenue but not posting to a grant or project. This is the most commonly used cash receipt transaction code.
A Record Cash Receipt of Revenue, Not Billed (TC 101) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4100 (CR-revenues).
Important tips for entering TC 101:
The TC 101 requires a revenue subobject (where the receipt will post).
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 101.
This TC records a receipt deposit of Sales Tax that you will send on to the State Tax Commission. A Record the Deposit of Sales Tax Payable (TC 102) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 2109 (CR-sales tax payable).
Important tips for entering TC 102:
Use the following minimum elements to enter a TC 102.
(see FUND below)
This TC records a refund from a vendor for an expenditure made by your agency during the current fiscal year. Do not use this transaction code if the refund is for an expenditure made in a prior fiscal year. A Record Cash Receipt of a Refund for Overpayment of Current Year Expenditures (TC 105) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4200 (CR-expenditure). Note that this transaction code posts against expenditures instead of revenues.
For a third-party reimbursement (where a third party reimburses your agency for expenditures made to someone else), use a TC 10R. The TC 10R requires DFM approval.
Important tips for entering TC 105:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 105. NOTE: STARS will have already filled in the BFY and effective date.
This TC records a refund from a vendor or third-part for an expenditure made by your agency during a prior fiscal year.
A Record Receipt of a Refund for Overpayment of Prior Year (TC 106) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4100 (CR-revenues). Since your appropriation for prior year no longer exists, you cannot reclaim that appropriation amount in current year. Therefore, you must treat a refund from a prior year as revenue.
If you receive a refund from a vendor for a prior fiscal year payment refunded in the current calendar year, you should report this credit to the State Controller's Office for manual posting to the 1099 system. Only report the credit if the subobject you would have posted it to is a 1099 reportable subobject
Important tips for entering TC 106:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 106.
This TC records a deposit from an employee who is returning part of their rotary fund advance. This will deposit cash back into your rotary fund account. A Record Cash Receipt of Unused Rotary Advance (TC 107) posts to general ledger accounts 1005 (DR-imprest petty cash) and 1151 (CR-deferred expenses - rotary).
Important tips for entering TC 107:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 107.
NOTE: STARS will have already filled in the BFY and effective date. TC 107 transactions must have the same fund/agency combination to process.
This TC records an unknown or undistributed deposit or part of a deposit until you have time to identify the appropriate revenue subobject. Idaho Code requires some agencies to deposit the total amount into a suspense account, and then distribute the money later.
If you receive a cash receipt that you cannot identify, use this suspense account to hold the receipt until you can identify where it goes. Clear this suspense account as soon as possible. This suspense clearing account usually should be zero at the end of the fiscal year. We recommend you clear it monthly by classifying the amounts to revenue, if possible.
A Record Cash Receipt of Undistributed Money (Suspense) (TC 108) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 2402 (CR-suspense clearing account).
Important tips for entering TC 108:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 108. STARS will automatically enter the BFY and effective date.
To set up a suspense clearing account subsidiary for your agency, complete a DESCR-23 form with the following information. If you wish, you may want to set up different suspense clearing accounts for different types of unidentified deposits.
TABLE-ENTRY-KEY: 24022300000
This TC records receipt of the deposits the State Treasurer's Office “sweeps" from outside bank accounts on behalf of your agency. (See the explanation of Sweep Accounts earlier in the chapter.) STO will deposit this receipt into a fund previously identified by your agency. This will be available to you for later distribution. Except for unusual situations, this sweep account should be zero at the end of the fiscal year. We recommend you clear it monthly by classifying the amounts to revenue, if possible. A Record Cash Receipt - Treasurer Sweep Account (TC 110) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 2405 (CR-suspense – treasurer sweep accounts).
Important tips for entering TC 110:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 110.. NOTE: STARS will have already filled in the BFY and effective date.
STO will enter an eight-character current document number and two-digit suffix.
NOTE: We recommend using all eight characters.
This TC posts the payment to the cash and document files then liquidates the original Due From established by the billing agency's TC 130.
Normally, you would not enter a TC 170 directly since STARS automatically generates the transaction. However, if you happen to receive a warrant for an interagency billing, deposit the warrant using TC 170 and a reference document number of the interagency billing document to which the payment should post.
Important tips for entering TC 170:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 170.
(We recommend you enter only these elements, allowing STARS to lookup the rest of the information from the Document file. You should not have to enter this transaction unless you happen to receive a warrant for the interagency billing.)
NOTE: STARS will have already filled in the BFY and effective date. When you press the F5 key, STARS will lookup the other fields from the document on the Document File.
This TC records the redemption (sale) of an investment through the State Treasurer's Office (STO). The STO sells investments on behalf of the agencies. The STO bases the amount of cash to deposit depending on the sale of your investment and interest it has earned. The STO will contact you with the principal sales amount and interest earned for the respective investment.
You should complete a batch type J to post the amount of the sale and interest to STARS. A batch type J will transmit the amount to the STO system for them to update their records. IMPORTANT: Only post the principal portion of the redemption (sale) to TC 204. Post the interest to the regular TC 101 (or other TCs if posting to grant and/or projects). A TC 204 (Record Redemption of Investment Direct by Agency) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 1203 (CR-investments direct by agencies).
Important tips for entering TC 204:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 204.
Enter the amount of the transaction for the principal portion of the redemption (sale).
NOTE: Use a TC 101 for the receipt of the interest earned.
Enter the four-digit fund number of the fund under which you wish to post the principal portion of the redemption. This should be the fund you used when you originally purchased the investment.
NOTE: You can enter an Index or PCA that looks up this fund if you used it when purchasing the investment.
his TC records a regular receipt (like TC 101) that you want to post to a project only. This will not post to a grant. A Record Receipt of Project Monies (TC 439) posts like TC 101 to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4100 (CR-revenues).
Important tips for entering TC 439:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 439.
Enter an eight-character current document number and two-digit suffix.
This TC records a regular receipt (like TC 101) that you want to post to a grant only. This will not post to a project. A Record Receipt of Grant Monies (TC 440) posts like TC 101 to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4100 (CR-revenues).
Important tips for entering TC 440:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 440.
This TC records a regular receipt (like TC 101) that needs to be posted to both a grant and a project. A TC 441 (Record Receipt of Grant and Project Monies Unbilled) posts like TC 101 to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4100 (CR-revenues).
Important tips for entering TC 441:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 441.
This TC records cash received by your agency on behalf of another agency. Each agency that receives this cash should account for those receipts as revenue within their agency using TC 550. STARS will automatically transfer the cash out of the receipting agency (transfer out) and will generate a TC 551 transferring cash to the appropriate agency (transfer in). Since the TC 550 generates the TC 551, the cash transfers using the same fund of the TC 550.
A Record Cash Collected by One Agency/Fund for Another and Transfer Out (TC 550) posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4100 (CR-revenues). It also posts to general ledger accounts 4800 (DR-operating transfers out) and 1003 (CR-cash in treasury) to show the transfer out.
Notice that the cash does not stay with the agency doing the receipting (DR 1003 and CR 1003, netting to zero). It posts as revenue and transfers out to the receipting agency.
The TC 550 is set up to transfer the cash to another agency using TC 551. STARS will use the same fund in both agencies. STARS will know which agency to send the transfer to when you enter the agency in the Second Agency field on the transaction.
Important tips for entering TC 550:
Use the following minimum number of elements to enter a TC 550.
A TC 551 is automatically generated when the agency process a TC 550. TC 551 posts to general ledger accounts 1003 (DR-cash in treasury) and 4700 (CR-transfers in). The cash ends up with the second agency that receipted the monies. This will not post to a grant or project.
Important tips for TC 551:
A. STARS automatically creates the TC 551 when an agency processes a TC 550.
B. STARS creates the TC 551 using the current document number from the originating agency. It uses the current document number/suffix, revenue subobject, amount, and fund of the original transaction.
C. STARS will show who sent the money by entering the originating agency's number in the SEC AGENCY field of the TC 551.
D. STARS fills in the revenue subobject, amount, and fund from the original agency's transaction. The cash will post to this fund, whether or not you actively use the fund. To change subobject or funds, use an adjusting entry: To change the subobject use TC 551R and then TC 551. To change funds use TC 552 and then TC 553.