​​Find a Warrant Status on STARS​


To view warrant status in STARS, you will need proper security access to Warrant Status. Ask your security administrator to verify or update you Security Access form.

You can find the status of a warrant by inquiring with a document or warrant number. STARS maintains all outstanding warrants in these warrant files. However, a warrant file inquiry may reply with ‘Warrant Not Found’ because redeemed or cancelled warrants are on STARS only for a period of four months.

After four months, these records are removed from STARS and archived. Warrant information that cannot be found in STARS inquiry screens can be found in IBIS Vendor remittance advice can also be found on the Vendor Remittance application. (Warrants are valid for one year, after which they are sent to Unclaimed Property at the State Treasurer's Office.)

Another warrant file is available on the Online File Inquiry screen (I on the STARS Main Menu) - 68 Warrant Writing File Record Inquiry. This lists all transactions on the Warrant Writing Inquiry file, but with detail information on each transaction.

The SCO purges the warrant files on a monthly basis because the files are very large. The SCO and the State Treasurer’s Office maintain the archived warrant information.  If you need information on an archived warrant, e-mail the Accounting help line at servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov.


The following screens display the files you use for warrant inquiry.  Type W in the FUNCTION field of the STARS Main Menu to view warrant menu. Type the corresponding number of the inquiry you want, e.g., type 42 for Warrant Writing Inquiry.

VERSION 3.1                     STARS--MAIN MENU                        S010




                       D     DATA ENTRY                                       

                       F     FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTING                           

                       I     ONLINE FILE INQUIRY                              

                       R     REPORTING                                        

                       S     SYSTEM MANAGEMENT                                

                       T     TABLE MAINTENANCE                                


                       Z     SIGN OFF                                         



The Warrant Menu has four inquiry screens. The first three pertain to warrants, while the fourth pertains to Rotary Sight Drafts.


VERSION 3.1                STARS--WARRANT MENU                          S019 




                    42 WARRANT WRITING INQUIRY                                

                    47 WARRANT STATUS FILE MAINTENANCE/INQUIRY                

                    48 WARRANT DETAIL FILE SUMMARY INQUIRY                    

                    56 ROTARY/SIGHT DRAFT INQUIRY                             



  • 42 Warrant Writing Inquiry – lists all transactions by document number for your agency remaining in the warrant write file due to a negative accumulative total for a specific vendor.
  • 47 Warrant Control File Maintenance/Inquiry – lists each warrant and the status of each warrant that is outstanding or been recently redeemed or cancelled.
  • 48 Warrant Detail File Summary Inquiry – lists all warrants on the Warrant Control file but with detail information.

Redeemed or cancelled warrant records are available in STARS only for a period of four months.  After four months, these records are removed from STARS. A report on Online Reporting is available for such warrants.

42 Warrant Writing Inquiry

This inquiry lists all transactions, by Document Number for your agency, remaining in the Warrant Write file due to a negative accumulative total for a specific vendor.


To look up a record in the Warrant Writing Inquiry (WW) file, type R in the FUNCTION field, the Document Number, and then press ENTER. You can also enter just R in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER to recall the first record, and then use N in the FUNCTION field to scroll to the next record.


VERSION 3.1                STARS--WARRANT WRITING INQUIRY               S042 

  FUNCTION: R (N=NEXT, P=PRIOR, R=RECALL)                                     


  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DOCUMENT LEVEL DATA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

  AGCY: 230 DOCUMENT-NO: D0014268                                             


 VENDOR-NO:               VENDOR-NAME:                                        

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TRANSACTION LEVEL DATA * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

 D S                         DOC         DUE                                  

 M H   TRANSACTION ID        SUF  INDX   DATE                 TC      AMOUNT  

       230200106074015000090   01   1000  060701              230    246.40- 



                                                    DOCUMENT TOTAL:   46.40-  


The screen also displays all credit transactions (such as 230Rs) to vendors. Both debit and credit transactions will show in this file until the accumulative debit transactions are greater than the credit transactions.

68 Warrant Writing File Record Inquiry

This screen displays more transaction detail than the Warrant Writing inquiry screen 42.

Type I in the FUNCTION field on the STARS Main Menu, and then type 68.

Enter your Agency number and the Document Number and then press ENTER.




 AGCY: 230     DOCUMENT NO: D0014268 01                                       

BATCH  AGCY: 230 DATE: 20010607 TYPE: 4 NUMBER: 015 SEQ: 00009 DUP REC IND: 0 

OPERATOR ID: MEL  TID:                EFF-DATE: 010607                        


DISB METH:   DUE DATE: 010607 SH:   TRANS YR: 01            BFY: 01           


INDEX: 1000 FUND/DET: 0001        PCA: 01311  EXP-SUBOBJECT/DET: 5029         

   REV SUBOBJECT/DET:         PROJ/PH:                 GRANT/PH:              

                TASK:             FAC:                      LOC:              

EMPLOYEE CLASS CODE:                                                          

INVOICE NO: 01140-30185          DESC: CREDIT ACCT# 6ZZZZZZZZZZZ              

  DOC DATE:                   REF DOC:                      MOD:              


WARRANT AMOUNT:            246.40- WARR NO:              WW IND: 1            

   CREATE DATE: 010607    CLAIM PRINT DATE:        WRITTEN DATE:              

VENDOR NO: 060000000  08  VEND NAME 1: COMPANY OF IDAHO              

                          VEND NAME 2: COM CARRIER SERV              

SS FID NO:                VENDOR ADDR: PO BOX 2                           

VEND CITY: ROCHESTER                      STATE: NY  ZIP: 14602 0540          


47 Warrant Control File Maintenance/Inquiry

This inquiry lists each warrant and the status of each warrant that is outstanding or been recently redeemed or cancelled. To look up a record on the Warrant Control (WC) file, enter the warrant number and press ENTER.



FUNCTION: N  (R=RECALL, N=NEXT, C=CHANGE)                                      

WARRANT NUMBER: 111111111                                DMI:                 

AGENCY: 230  DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION                    ISSUE DATE: 040902   


VENDOR NUMBER/SFX: 8ZZZZZZZZ    03                                            


VENDOR NAME 1: AM INC                                                    

VENDOR NAME 2:                                                                


        NEW STATUS:        STATUS DATE: 040902    AMOUNT:            339.60   


DAILY BEGINNING STATUS: O   OUTSTANDING                           O/S IND: O 

        CURRENT STATUS: O   OUTSTANDING                                        


ABA NO:             FINANCIAL INST NAME:                                      

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ACCT NO:                   ACCT TYPE:                    


The warrant or EFT number is also the WC file record key.

  • Warrant numbers are in the 100000000 – 999999999 range.
  • EFT numbers are in the sequence 010000000 – 099999999.
  • Expedite warrants are in the 009000000 sequenceIf the vendor receives their payments by EFT, the bank it was sent to is shown in the FINANCIAL INST NAME field
  • The warrant status is shown in the respective STATUS fields. NOTE: Due to established internal controls, changes to a warrant’s status is limited to the SCO.
  • The O/S IND field shows the status as of the end of the previous month
Warrant StatusDescription
O - Outstanding WarrantA warrant that has not been redeemed. Warrants are valid for one year, after which they are sent to Unclaimed Property at the State Treasurer's Office.
R - Redeemed Warrant (redemption)A warrant that has been paid by the State Treasurer.
C - Normal Warrant Cancellation​​
A permanent cancellation of the warrant so the warrant cannot be redeemed.  For payroll warrants, see the Cancelling Payroll Warrants section.
C - EFT CancellationA permanent cancellation of the EFT transaction because the payment never made it to the bank account.
L - Lost Warrant CancellationA permanent cancellation of the warrant so the warrant cannot be redeemed because the payee indicated it was lost.
F - Forgery Warrant CancellationSTO will return the warrant back to the bank as a forgery.
M - Miscellaneous Warrant CancellationWhen you need to cancel a warrant.
P - Prior Year Warrant CancellationOutstanding warrants that have been cancelled and the cash sent to Unclaimed Property or returned to the agency due to the age of the warrant.

48 Warrant Detail File Summary Inquiry

This inquiry lists all warrants on the Warrant Control File and displays detail information. Redeemed warrants are kept on the Warrant Detail File for four months. For a copy of a redeemed warrant, contact the State Treasurer’s Office or click here to use the request form on the State Treasure’s Web site.


To look up a record on the Warrant Detail (WD) file, type your Agency number and the warrant number or the agency-assigned Document Number and press ENTER.


If you do not know the warrant number, you can type in your Agency code and the Document Number of the transaction you entered to create the warrant. 




 FUNCTION: N (R=RECALL, N=NEXT, S=SELECT WARRANT)                             


    AGENCY: 230     (WARRANT: 11XXXXXXX OR  CURRENT DOCUMENT:          )     

    AGENCY NAME:  DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION                                    



                     INVOICE NUMBER  INVOICE DESCRIPTION                      

  X   D0422918 01 1155XXXXX 2024 44051 0001                             8.99  

                     597826          SO ID CORR INST                          

  _   D0422918 02 115XXXXXX 2024 44051 0001                            25.97  

                     597826          SO ID CORR INST 




Since this screen includes the Invoice Number and Invoice Description, use this screen to get information for a vendor who has lost the remittance advice. This screen shows the Index, PCA, Invoice Number, Description, and the amount entered on the transaction that created the warrant. 


To select an individual Document Number, type an ‘S’ in the FUNCTION field. Press TAB to the SEL field next to the Document Number, type an S or X, and then press ENTER.  Once the warrant is recalled, you can enter 47 in the INTERRUPT field to interrupt to the Warrant Control File and check the status of the warrant.