Financial and Revenue Plans


Financial and Revenue Plans are optional for an agency. Both Financial and Revenue Plans can be entered at any level from Object to Subobject Detail. The level can differ for various areas with the plan.

Setting Up Financial and Revenue Plans

After agency Budget Units, Funds, PCAs, and Indexes are created in STARS, Financial and Revenue Plans can be recorded.

The data for the Financial Plans and Revenue Plans post to General Ledgers 5070 and 5085, respectively, at the Object code used on the transactions. Financial and Revenue Plans provide no budgetary controls - they are used for informational and monitoring purposes only. STARS does not have an inquiry screen to easily view the Financial or Revenue Plan results - use either IBIS queries or STARS reports to monitor Financial or Revenue Plans.

Financial Plans

Financial Plans are based on how agency managers anticipate spending the agency's appropriation. Financial Plans are tools used to distribute the Allocation or Appropriation to lower levels of a program.​ ​For reconciliation purposes, we recommend that the total of the Financial Plans equal the total of the appropriation for the fiscal year.

For example, if an agency has $6,000,000.00 appropriated in General Fund for operating in a specific program that has five locations around the State, the agency could use Financial Plans to distribute the appropriation at the Object code level (or lo​​​​wer) to the five locations, Here is an example: 

LocationFinancial Plan Amount
Idaho Falls1,000,000.00
Twin Falls  800,000.00
Lewiston 1,200,000.00
Coeur d'Alene 1,000,000.00
Total Financial Plans6,000,000.00
Total Appropriation6,000,000.00
Variance                  .00


Since Financial Plans have no controls, any location could over-expend their Financial Plan. However, the five in total could not over-expend the total appropriation.

Because individual Financial Plans can be entered at any level, a manager in Twin Falls could have the $800,000.00 distributed at the Summary, Subobject or Subobject/Detail level. This would have no impact on how managers in the other locations distribute their Financial Plan amounts.

Transaction Codes for Financial Plans

Some transaction codes post to both the Allocation and the Financial Plan. If your agency uses both Financial Plans and Allocations, use the transaction codes that post to both.

The following are brief descriptions of Financial Plan transaction codes:

Transaction CodeDescription
080Expenditure Financial Plan – When adjusting use 080/080R combination. Does not post to the Allocation File - only to the Operating File.
081Activity Transfer of Alloc & Financial Plan-Budget Units – Use to record Activity Transfers when an agency uses Allocations and Financial Plans.  Posts to both the Allocation File and the Operating File.
082Object Transfer of Alloc & Financial Plan-Object Levels – Use to record Object Transfers when an agency uses Allocations and Financial Plans.  Posts to both the Allocation File and the Operating File.
083Non-Cognizable Exp Financial Plan/Alloc – Use to record Non-Cog when an agency uses Allocations and Financial Plans.  Posts to both the Allocation File and the Operating File.
085Exp Financial Plan & Annual Allocation - Use to record both Allocations and Financial Plans.  Posts to both the Allocation File and the Operating File.


Financial Plan Data Entry

Usually you should enter Financial Plan transactions in Type 1 batches, but you can also use batch types 3, 4 or 5. Financial Plans should always equal the total of the Appropriation by Program, Fund, Fund/Detail and Object as specified in the cossesponding appropriation bills.

Since Financial Plans can post at a lower level than the Appropriation, PCAs or Indexes are used on the transactions. ( Financial Plans can be entered at any level from Object to Subobject Detail.)

In the following example, the Financial Plan is posted at the Summary Object level.   ​

VERSION 3.1             STARS—BUDGETARY TRANSACTION ENTRY               S503  

BATCH: AGY  230 DATE 06011999 TYPE 1 NO 002 MODE MASTER EDIT ON SEQ-NO 00001  

CUR-DOC/SFX: FINPLAN  01      TRANS-CODE: 080      RVS:        BFY: 00        

INDEX      : 2503 ACCTG ADMIN.                                                

PCA        :                                                                  

EXP-SUB-OBJ/DET: 5901    RENTALS & OPER LEASES                                


AMOUNT   : 0000004600.00                       BUDGET UNIT: CCAC              

DOC TOTAL: 0000000000.00                                                       

DESCRIPTION: ALLOC & FIN PLAN FOR ACCTG                                       

GRANT/PH:              PROJ/PH:              FUND/DET: 0481 05    F/O:                                                                                       

DOC-DATE:             EFF-DATE: 070109                                        

Financial Plans Data Entry Requirements

You can enter Financial Plans at any time during the year. 

  1. Enter Financial Plans at any level from Object to Subobject Detail. If using a transaction code that posts to both an Allocation and Financial Plan, both will post at the same level.  If you want different levels betwwen the two, you must use the separate transactions codes.
  2. Financial Plans should total the both the Allocation and Appropriation totals.
  3. You can enter Financial Plans in June for the next fiscal year.

Financial Plan Batch Instructions   

After determining the Financial Plan levels and amounts, you are ready to enter the batch:

  1. ​Enter the batch on STARS.  Your Operator Class on STARS security will control whether or not you can enter these types of transactions.
  2. Once the batch is entered, your batch-release person reviews and releases the batch.  Financial Plans are Approval Level.
  3. Retain the batch documentation in your office.

The following is an example of a financial plan posting to the Operating File. Financial Plans post to the Operating File at the level entered in the data entry - in this example, the Summary Object level. The financial plan also posts to the lowest level of the Index or PCA structure. If the Index had a section or unit, the Financial Plan would post to that level. 

The normal balance amount for the Financial Plan is a negative. A negative BALANCE amount means you have entered this much of a financial plan. A reduction to your financial plan would be a positive amount.

Operating File RECORD Inquiry (67)

VERSION 3.1          STARS—OPERATING FILE RECORD INQUIRY                 S067 

AGENCY: 230 GL ACCT: 5070 PROJ/PH:           GRANT/PH:           INDEX: 2503  

FAC:      TASK:      ORC:      PCA: 01000 D/I IND:   DIV: 20 BUR: 25 SEC:     

UNIT:    FUND: 0481 FUND/DET: 05 BUDG UNIT: CCAC FUNC: 01 ACT:    PROG:       

ELEM:     PCA-1:       LOC:                                                    

EXPEND OBJECT:  5000 SUM OBJECT: 5151 SUBOBJECT:      DET:      PCN:          

REVENUE OBJECT:      SUM OBJECT:      SUBOBJECT:      DET:                    

SEC AGENCY:     MULTIPURPOSE:              DEPT: 92   BFY: 00   TRANS YR: 00  

CREATE DATE: 990601  LAST PROCESS DATE: 990601                                

CURRENT   CMO        104,197.75- CM1              0.00  CM2              0.00 

CURRENT    PY              0.00                                               

MONTHLY    1         104,197.75-      2               0.00        3               0.00 

BALANCES   4               0.00        5               0.00        6               0.00 

                     7               0.00        8               0.00        9               0.00 

                   10               0.00        11               0.00       12               0.00 

                   13               0.00                                               

CURRENT                                     CP1      104,197.75- CP2              0.00 

PERIOD        1         104,197.75-     2               0.00         3               0.00 

BALANCES  4               0.00        5               0.00         6               0.00 

                    7               0.00        8               0.00         9               0.00 

                  10               0.00        11               0.00       12               0.00 

                  13               0.00        14              0.00    INTERRUPT:    ACTIVE

Types of Data on STARS Financial Plan Reports

The Financial Plans show the Object level down to the lowest posted level record on either the PCA or Index. Financial Plan reports have the following data with table headers:

  1. Expenditure subobjects, subobjects detail and the titles depending on the level you order on the report.
  2. Financial Plan as entered by the agency.
  3. Expenditures are broken out by current month and year-to-date payments.
  4. Outstanding encumbrance balances.
  5. The percent of the expenditure YTD plus outstanding encumbrance divided by financial plan amount.
  6. Available Expend Plan is the balance of the financial plan not used.  This does not inculde pre-encumbrance amounts.

Revenue Plans

Revenue Plans can be used to record projected revenue receipts, from the Object level down to the Subobject Detail level. Some agencies base the projections on actual revenue from the prior year. However, the projections can be entered based on any methodology.  Revenue Plans let agency or cost center managers monitor the actual revenues as compared to recorded projections. The use of Revenue Plans is optional for agency.

Transaction Code for Revenue Plans

There is only one transaction code for revenue plans.

070  -  Revenue Plan (Estimated Revenue). When adjusting use 070/070R combination.

Revenue Plan Data Entry      

Revenue Plan transactions are usually entered in a Type 1 batch.  However, batch types 3, 4 or 5 can be used. Since Revenue Plans are used simply to monitor revenue, there is no direct tie to any enacted appropriation bill.

You can enter Revenue Plans at any time during the year.

  1. Enter Revenue Plans at any level from Object to Subobject Detail. They do not tie to Allocations or Appropriations.
  2. You cannot enter Revenue Plans in June for the next fiscal year.

Revenue Plan Batch Instructions 

After determining the Revenue Plan levels and amounts, you are ready to enter the batch:

  1. Enter the batch on STARS. Your Operator Class on STARS security will control whether or not you can enter these types of transactions.
  2. Once the batch is entered, your batch-release person reviews and releases the batch.  Revenue Plans are Approval Level 3.
  3. Retain the batch documentation in your office.

Types of Data on STARS Revenue Plan Reports

Revenue Plans show the Object level down to the lowest posted level identified on the PCA or Index.  Revenue Plan reports have the following data beginning from left to right:

  • Revenue subobjects and title depending on the level of how the report is ordered.
  • Revenue plan entered by the agency.
  • Current month and year-to-date revenue received.
  • Revenue plan divided by year-to-date.
  • The balance of the revenue plan not received, and the percentage needed to meet the plan projection.