​​​​​Batch Types, Posting Sequence, and Approval Levels​

Batch Types

The following batch types are used in STARS and by Statewide Accounting Web applications. 

​Type​Created by



Travel Express application

Generated by Travel Express to send travel expenditure transactions to STARS for processing. This batch type cannot be manually entered by an agency.


Budgetary application

Adjustments application

Data entry screen has the minimal STARS fiscal code fields. 

Also generated from the Adjustments web application.


STARS Revenue, Receivables,

Adjustments application

Data entry screen has the most used STARS revenue fiscal code fields.

Also generated from the Adjustments web application.

3, 4

STARS Expenditure, Disbursements, Encumbrances,

Adjustment application

Purchasing application

Data entry screen has the most used STARS expenditure fiscal code fields. Two different batch types allow agencies to differentiate transactions. 

Also generated from the Adjustment and Purchasing web applications.


STARS General Purpose

Adjustment application

Has every fiscal code field that can be entered into STARS. 

Also generated from the Adjustments web application.


SCO STARS Prior Year Adjustments

Used to identify Prior Year Adjustments that must be evaluated by the ACFR team for possible reporting in the statewide AC​FR.


STARS Adjustments

Adjustments application

Generated by the Adjustment web application to send approved adjustments transactions to STARS. 

Also used by SCO Accounting Operations for agency adjustments.


STARS Proration Receipts

Used by STO to prorate monthly interest. Special reporting is done on this batch type to make sure the amounts net to zero across multiple agencies.


STARS SCO Adjustments

Used by SCO. Adjustments requested by the agency that SCO may need to enter and release. SCO will have the backup documentation.


Accounts Receivable application

Generated by Accounts Receivable application sed by only a few agencies..


STARS and FAS (Fixed Assets)

Generated by FAS to be sent to STARS. Normally for recording assets and depreciation amount on STARS.


STARS and EIS Payroll

Generated by EIS Payroll to send payroll financial transactions to STARS for processing (TCs 326).


STARS Insufficient Check Return

Cash Receipts application 

Can only be released by STO. Is required to have a reversal on the transaction. Must match the returned check amount received by STO.

Also generated from the Cash Receipts web application.


STARS Revenue/Cash Receipts

Cash Receipts​ application

Can only be released by STO. Is not allowed to have a reversal on the transaction. Must match to deposits received by STO. 

Also generated from the Cash Receipts web application.


STARS Purchase of Investment 

Wire Transfers with STO

Miscellaneous wire transfers

Only updates STARS. Not sent to the State Treasurer’s Office since STO has already adjusted their cash balance.

Most often used for wire transfer transactions with STO (TC 258 and TC 28S). Other agencies, such as SCO Payroll, Lottery, Liquor, Endowment, etc., use K batch for their special processes.



State Employee Net Pay

Generated by EIS Payroll to send offsetting transactions for the G batches.


Payment Services application

Generated by the Payment Services web application to send approved transactions to STARS. 


STARS Warrant Cancellations or Redemption

Generated by STARS when a warrant is cancelled, or when the STO has sent information showing the warrant has been redeemed.


STARS Rotary Redemptions, Recurring Payments application

Generated by STARS when STO has sent information showing a rotary fund check has been redeemed. 

Also generated from the Recurring Payments module of the Payment Services.


STARS Statutory Transfers

Used by SCO. Creates a link between transer in and transfer out batches within STARS, usually between agencies.  Requires both batches to be equal before either one can be released. Use to move funds based on Idaho Code or appropriation bills.


STARS EIS Vendor Payments

Generated by EIS Payroll to remit employee payroll deductions to the various vendors.


STARS Generated Batches

Generated by STARS through the offset process when a TC23XR and TC24X are created.


STARS - ACFR Related

Does not post information to the STARS files.  Used by SCO for updating to the year end ACFR report.


STARS Fiscal Year End

Generated by STARS to complete year-end closing of nominal accounts, and moving general ledger, subsidiary, and document files into the next fiscal year.


STARS Generated Batches

Generated by STARS in the normal course of business to move interagency monies between agencies. Based on the Gen-TC on individual transaction codes.


P-Card application

Generated by the P-Card application to send processed transactions to STARS, including posted pending and posted pending adjustments. This batch type cannot be manually entered by an agency.


Posting Sequence

The transaction sort order for batch processing in the nightly IEU is:  

  1. The Effective Date on the individual transaction.

  2. The Posting Sequence Indicator on the transaction code.

  3. The Transaction ID (comprised of the BATCH, DATE, TYPE, and NO fields as seen on the General Transaction Data Entry screen).

The Posting Sequence Indicator is used when transactions are posted in batch mode only (input edit mode of 0 or 1). It enables transactions to be sorted and posted in a pre-defined sequence for batch processing. Posting Sequence Indicators are:

1 - Budgetary – Appropriations

2 - Budgetary – Allocations, Financial Plans

3 - Establish Encumbrance, A/R, A/P

4 - Revenues/Receipts

5 - Expenditures

6 - Liquidate/Adjust Encumbrances, A/R, A/P

7 - Adjust Expenditures/Revenues

8 - Disbursements

9 - Other - Start of Year Balances

Batch Release Approval Levels

The following STARS/FAS release approval levels that can be set up for a user.  

​Approval LevelDescription


Data entry personnel can release, initials show in AL1 batch release field. Not applied to any transactions for release. Only used to show data entry person has completed their entry and the batch is ready for pre-processing (pre-audit) review.


Pre-audit personnel can release, initials show in AL2 batch release field. Also used for pre-encumbrance release.


Expenditure release approval personnel can release, initials show in AL3 batch release field. Most commonly used for agency batch release of expenditures, etc.


Specialized loan, reinsurance, EIS, and GRS release approval personnel can release, initials show in AL4 batch release field.


Usually only controlled interfaces have this approval level. Specialized expenditures such as vendor payments without vendor numbers, university reimbursements, and transfers from US Treasury personnel can release, initials show in AL5 batch release field.


DFM approval personnel can release, initials show in AL6 batch release field. Also for manual warrants, EIS savings bonds, unclaimed property transfers, loans between funds, etc. approved and released by SCO.


SCO personnel can release, initials show in AL7 batch release field. Used for payroll adjustments, statutory transfers, sight draft control, fiscal year end processing, and adjustments for adding, correcting or balancing files.


SCO appropriation and PY adjustment personnel (and STO “J” batch personnel) can release, initials show in AL8 batch release field.


Highest SCO approval level personnel can release, initials show in AL9 batch release.