​Data Entry Fields of the General Purpose Transaction Entry Screen


This document will describe the data fields shown on the General Purpose Transaction Entry screen (S501). This screen will be displayed after you complete a Batch Type 5 on the Batch Header Entry screen (S500) and press ENTER.

Several data fields are automatically entered with information from the Batch Header Entry screen: the Agency (AGY), Batch Date (DATE), Batch Type (TYPE), Batch Number (NO), Edit Mode (MODE), and Sequence Number (SEQ-NO).

When you enter transactions on the S501 screen, press F5 and STARS will check what you have entered against STARS tables and automatically complete certain other fields, such as the Index, PCA title, or Expenditure Subobject title, based on table “look ups”. You can then review your data entry before saving a transaction.

General Purpose Transaction Entry Screen (batch type 5)


BATCH: AGY     DATE          TYPE   NO     MODE                   SEQ-NO 00001


CUR-DOC/SFX:             TRANS-CODE:              RVS:      DISB-METH:        

REF-DOC/SFX:                    MOD:              BFY: 00    GAAP IND:        

INDEX      :                                SEC AGENCY:                       

PCA        :                                    SUBSID:         PCN:          



AMOUNT   :                      WARR-NO:                BU:         GLA:      

DOC TOTAL:                        PROP#:              CMP#:          CI:      

INV-NO :                INV-DESC :                                            

VEND-NO:                   NAME  :                                            

                           NAME 2:                                             

                           ADDR  :                                            

                           CITY  :                 STATE:    ZIP:             

GRANT/PH:              PROJ/PH:              FUND/DET:            F/O:        

     MPC:                  LOC:                   FAC:            TSK:        

DOC-DATE:        EFF-DATE: 110299 DUE-DATE:            INTERRUPT:             


If error messages are displayed at the bottom of the screen, you can look up an error message code using the STARS online help function:

  1. Make a note of the alphanumeric error message code, e.g., E64.

  2. Press HOME, then press SHIFT+TAB to move your cursor to the INTERRUPT field.

  3. Type 90 and press ENTER.

  4. On the NEWS/HELP TABLE (S090) screen, type R in the FUNCTION field.

  5. Type the alphanumeric error code in the KEYWORD field, and press ENTER. The explanation will be displayed.

  6. Press F4 to return to the S501 screen.

  7. Correct the data elements and press F5 again to review your corrections.

  8. Once any error messages have been resolved and you have reviewed the transaction thoroughly, press F1 to save.

Data Fields and Descriptions

The Transaction Code will determine which data fields are required. The following are definitions and use of the General Purpose Transaction data fields. 

​Data Field​Definition





These fields become the Transaction ID on many reports. STARS requires that each transaction have a unique Transaction ID (thus at least one of the fields must be different).


The edit mode status of the batch.


The Sequence number automatically increments by one each time you enter a transaction. Sequence numbers are not reused - they remain with the transaction even if you delete it. The Sequence Number uniquely identifies each transaction within the batch and is extremely important in error correction.


Enter an eight-character Current Document Number and two-digit Suffix number. STARS uses the suffix number to identify different transactions if you are using the same Current Document number for multiple transactions.


Enter a three-character Transaction Code.  This code determines to what General Ledger accounts and STARS files the transaction will post.  It governs which data entry fields you need or if you are allowed to enter data.  It also determines whether STARS will generate a warrant or another transaction code.


The one-character Reversal indicator will change the debits and credits of a Transaction Code.  Leave this field blank unless you are entering an “R” reversal.  You must use the space bar to clear this field.


The one-character Disbursement Method Indicator (DMI) is used to sort the warrants that are processed daily. You must use the space bar to clear this field.


STARS uses the eight-character Reference Document Number and two-digit Suffix when posting information to existing Document File records.  This tells the system to which existing document number to post the transaction.


STARS uses the one-character Modifier field to close or re-open a document on the Document File. You must use the space bar to clear this field. Modifier “F” (final) closes a document where modifier “A” opens a closed document.


Every STARS transaction requires a two-digit Budget Fiscal Year.  This tells STARS which year to post the transaction. STARS normally defaults to the current BFY unless you override it when you are making a payment to a prior year encumbrance.


The one-character GAAP Indicator. Agencies use GAAP Indicators to track transactions that need to be reported in the closing packages. Each agency decides whether they use them and how they use them. Some agencies use them at each month, as well as at fiscal year end, to track certain transactions .Use the space bar to clear this field.


STARS requires most of the transactions to have both a four-character alphanumeric Index and a five-character alphanumeric PCA.  The Index or PCA are codes used by your agency to identify certain programs (PCA) or organization (Index) structure.


The three-digit Second Agency is required on transactions where an agency is billing another agency or transferring cash to another agency. This allows the system to know the other state agency that is involved in the transaction.


The seven-digit Subsidiary number identifies subsidiary accounts for transactions that allow an agency to track amounts separately by a unique subsidiary number within a general ledger account.


The four-digit PCN identifies the payroll Position Control Number when doing transactions that post to payroll subobjects (4000 – 4999).


STARS uses the four-digit Expenditure Subobject and two-digit Detail to identify the payment category such as office supplies, accounting services, etc.


STARS uses the four-digit Revenue Subobject and the two-digit Detail to identify the category of the receipt received.


Every STARS transaction requires an Amount. Exclude commas, dollar signs, and negatives from your entries.


 STARS automatically issues the nine digit warrant number on payments your agency makes. These data entry Warrant Numbers are entered when the State Controller’s Office or an agency with special permission issues a manual warrant. Agencies will not normally enter the Warrant Number.


STARS may look up the four-digit Budget Unit using your Index or PCA information. The only time you will have to manually enter a Budget Unit is when entering budgetary batches.


Agencies will not normally enter the four-digit General Ledger Account. The State Controller’s Office will enter this field on transactions that only SCO can enter.


The eighteen-digit Document Total accumulates all of the transactions entered using the same document number.


The ten-character Property Number and the two-digit Component Number identify an asset. STARS requires this number on most of the Capital Outlay subobjects and can also transfer this number to the Fixed Asset System.


The one-character Capitalization Indicator is used to post an Operating Expenditures (5000 – 5999) to the Fixed Asset System. If you enter a CI, you must also enter the Property and Component Number. 


The fourteen-character Invoice Number will print on the warrant stub as information to the vendor that you are paying. This number lets vendors know how to post the payment.


The thirty-character Invoice Description will print on the warrant stub. Be sure you include enough information so either the payment can be readily identified.


STARS uses the nine-character Vendor Number and the two-character Suffix to look up the name and address on the Vendor Edit Table (S021) in order to send the payment to the correct vendor and location.

You can use the Interrupt to find vendors.

STARS uses the Vendor Number for tax reporting to the IRS.


STARS typically looks up the forty-character Vendor Name from the Vendor Edit Table (SO21).  However, if you use a transaction code that does not allow the vendor number, you must manually enter the Vendor Name.  This is the name STARS uses for tax reporting to the IRS. This name and the Vendor Number must match the IRS or SSN files.


STARS typically looks up the forty-character Vendor Name 2 from the Vendor Edit Table (table 21).  However if you use a transaction code that does not allow the vendor number, you must manually enter the Vendor Name 2, if needed.  The Vendor Name 2 is usually the business name for the sole-proprietor or partnership.  It could also be the affiliated business name of a large corporation (the corporation name would be in Name and the business name would be in Name 2).  STARS sends this name to the IRS for informational purposes only.


STARS looks up the forty-character Address, the fifteen-character City, the two-character State, and the nine-character Zip Code (zip plus 4) fields from the Vendor Edit Table.  However, if you use a transaction code that does not allow the vendor number, you must manually enter the Address, City, State, and Zip Code.


STARS can look up the six-character Grant and two-character Phase using your Index or PCA information. You can also enter it manually or overwrite the looked up Grant and Phase.


STARS can look up the six-character Project and two-character Phase using your Index or PCA information. You can also enter it manually or overwrite the current Project and Phase.


STARS typically looks up the four-digit Fund and two-digit Detail using your Index or PCA information. The only time you should have to enter a Fund or Detail when entering budgetary batches.


The one-character Fund Override allows the transaction to process although there is not enough cash or appropriation available. You will see a fund override “W” on all TC 326 (payroll) transactions. This allows payroll to post although your agency does not have sufficient cash or appropriation.


The ten-character Multi-Purpose Code is available for agency use. It is also used for MER (miscellaneous encumbrance requisitions) documentation when setting up an encumbrance expected to go across fiscal years.  The DAFR6870 (Expenditure Report by Multipurpose Code) is available for reporting this field.


STARS can look up the six-character Location, the four-character Facility, and the four-character Task; however, they are often manually entered. Each agency defines these fields as they need them to identify certain transactions for grouping.


STARS uses the Document Date to age the accounts receivables and payables from documents on the Document File. This is the date the receivable/payable began, not when entered into the system.


STARS uses the six-digit Effective Date to post the transaction on a specific date, and usually used to post in either the prior month or the current month. You can enter a transaction with a prior month effective date only within the first three days of the current month. This is when STARS considers the prior month to still be “open”.


STARS uses the six-digit Due Date on special transaction codes in order to print a future date on the warrant.


The two-character Interrupt field on the bottom left of the screen is used to go to another screen in STARS (defined by its screen number).

E.g., Type 2A in the Interrupt field to go to the Vendor Alpha Index Inquiry screen. Enter R to recall the vendor, enter the name in the Sort Seq field and press ENTER. Press TAB to move the cursor next to the vendor name. Type an X to select the vendor and then press F4 to return to the General Purpose Transaction screen. This will automatically copy the vendor information to the General Purpose Transaction screen.