Statewide Descriptor Table D57 Disbursement Method Indicator (DMI)
The D57 Disbursement Method Indicator (DMI) descriptor table defines many aspects of the warrant process, including how warrant information is sorted and printed. Refer to the Warrants and Warrant Cancellations document in the STARS manual. The Disbursement Method Indicator is identified as the DISB-METH field on the STARS General Purpose Transaction ENTRY (S501) screen.
On the D57 table, the KEY DATA identifies two types of records:
A Base Record is identified by an empty RECORD ID. The REFERENCE-DATA on a Base Record designates various information elements, such as what agency can use that DMI, if there is a stub record (agency supplied remittance advice information), if the DMI will be merged with other DMIs when printed, and if it is required to flow through the bank pre-note process.
A Sort Record is identified by the two numbers (01 - 09) in the RECORD ID. The REFERENCE-DATA on a Sort Record determines how the warrants will be sorted for merging with stub records, and determines how the warrants will be sorted for printing.
Enter the one character Disbursement Method Indicator (DMI). This identifies the agency or group of agencies that can use this indicator to sort or print a warrant:
Blank – Regular (any state agency)
A – Tax Commission Payments Stubs
B – Spec Hndl Bene Pymts (PERSI)
C – Benefit Payments (PERSI)
D – Doc Date = Issue Date (any agency, currently only used by EIS for payroll deduction code vendor payments)
E – Energy Assistance (H&W)
F – PHA Voucher Payments (H&W)
G – Unclaimed Property Refunds
H – High Volume (agencies can use due to a high volume of warrants, e.g Fish and Game controlled hunt refunds)
I - Child Support Enforcement (H&W)
J – ADC Bonus (H&W)
K – Foster Care (New) (H&W)
L – Low Volume. Returns the warrant to the agency through Statehouse Mail (any agency)
M – MCH (H&W)
N – EFT Tax Refund Payments (Tax)
O – Tax Commission Payments
P – Payroll (SCO)
Q – JOBS (H&W)
S – Medicaid (H&W)
T – Foster Care (H&W)
U – Medicaid Base (H&W)
V – Child Care (H&W)
W – Transitional Child Care (H&W)
X – ADC Bonus (H&W)
Y – Adult ADC (H&W)
Z – ADC (H&W)
Enter the two-digit Record ID. This identifies the type of DMI record.
Blank – Base Record
01 – 09 – Sort Record
Enter the three-digit agency code set up in Descriptor Table 02 for the agency:
Blank – Any agency can use this DMI
xxx (agency number) – Only this agency can use this DMI.
Enter the one character separation indicator:
Y – Warrants will separate from the rest of the DMIs for sorting and printing.
N – Warrants will not separate from the rest of the DMIs for sorting and printing.
The indicator in the Warrant Write file is referred to as the Warrant Write Special Handing Indicator (WW-SPEC-HANDLING-IND).
Enter the one character online add indicator:
Y – Yes, agencies can enter this DMI on the STARS data entry screen.
N – No, agencies cannot enter this DMI on the STARS data entry screen. (The transactions must be interfaced to STARS.)
Enter the one character stub indicator.
R – (Regular) The STARS merge program will build the invoice (remittance advice) record.
V – (Variable) The agency (user) will provide the invoice (remittance advice) information in a separate stub file. The invoice number is used to match the stub with the payment transactions for variables.
Enter the one digit warrant print indicator which indicates the Warrant Print file.
Generally the warrants are printed starting with file01 and continue through file09. However, the order can be changed with intervention from the CSC operators.
Also, do not put warrants with stub records in the same file as warrants without stub records.
1 – Prints to file01 (DMI = P for Payroll)
2 – Prints to file02 (DMI = C, I, J, S, U, X, Z for Health & Welfare). Note: Transactions interfaced from Agency 270 that have a DMI of 'U' will be collapsed to just one warrant per vendor.
3 – Prints to file03 (DMI = E, T, Y for Health & Welfare)
4 – Prints to file04 (DMI = M, V, Z for Health & Welfare)
5 – Prints to file05 (DMI = Q, W for Health & Welfare)
6 – Prints to file06 (DMI = blank for Regular)
7 – Prints to file07 (DMI = D, L for Low Volume)
8 – Prints to file08 (DMI = H, N, A, O for High Volume & Tax Refunds)
9 – Prints to file09 (DMI = B for Benefit)
Note: Dataset names are DAF.S80.SEQ.FILE01, etc.
Enter the ten-digit agency phone number (with area code) to print on the warrant stubs, or leave blank or enter all zeros.
Blank – No number will print on the remittance advice.
0000000000 – The agency area code and phone number from the Descriptor Table 02 (Agency) will print on the remittance advice.
########## (area code and phone number) – The area code and phone number provided by the agency will print on the remittance advice.
Enter the one digit restrictive endorsement indicator as set up on Descriptor Table 58. Generally an endorsement is not recommended. This endorsement prints on the outside of the warrant for post office use. The post office has two programs that allow mail to be forwarded without special handling. Special handling, such as address or return service requested, may result in full postage charges rather than discount rates.
0 – No endorsement
1 – Address service requested
2 – Return service requested
3 – Address service requested (Tax Commission uses)
Enter the one character prenote indicator. This determines whether or not a vendor on the Vendor Edit Table with this DMI must go through the 14 day EFT (electronic funds transfer) prenote process to validate the bank account and routing information.
Y – Vendor must go through the 14-day EFT prenote process before STARS sends payments for direct deposit.
N – Vendor payment can be sent to EFT information for immediate direct deposit.
Enter the one digit EFT type. This determines what kind of EFT record format STARS will create for a vendor's EFT payment.
NOTE: Based on addenda records supplied by the agencies, or in certain other circumstances, the program may 'override' the format indicated on the D57 and create a CTX record format, regardless of what EFT type is indicated.
1 – CTX format
2 – PPD format
3 – CCD format
Enter the one character remittance advice indicator. This determines whether or not an EFT remittance advice will be created.
Y – Create the EFT remittance advice. Remittance advices will be published to the Web Remittance Advice application. (Remittance advices for electronic payments will not be printed for mailing.) STARS will also send the information to the bank electronically.
N – Do not create the EFT remittance advice. STARS will send the information to the bank electronically.
Enter the one character EFT description that is set up on Descriptor Table 59. This determines what description will be on the EFT batch header sent to the bank. Characters A through P are valid, though the following have already been defined:
A - Statewide vendor payment
B – Tax refund
C – Child support payment
S – Medicaid Pharmacy Payments
U – Medicaid Base Payments
A Sort Record (to specify the sorting of a Base Record) is identified by 01- 09 in the RECORD ID.
The REFERENCE-DATA field is twenty digits. The first ten digits correspond to the Warrant Write record position and length of data elements and the second ten correspond to the Warrant Print record for position and length of data elements.
A DMI can be used to define various ways of sorting and printing warrants. For example, a blank DMI for regular warrants means they are sorted and then printed by zip code, because the post office allows a discounted postage fee for first class mail that is presorted by zip code. On the other hand, DMI L (low volume) indicates warrants which are returned to agencies, generally so they can add some type of remittance information with the payment and mail both to the vendor. The warrants are sorted by vendor because they are easier for the agency to process.
If there is no need for special sorting or print order, a DMI can use a default sort.
DMIs that use the default sort records have only one Sort Record which has all zeros in the REFERENCE-DATA fields.
Figure 2 - Default Sort Record
If a DMI requires sort criteria other than the Default Sort Records, you must enter all of the REFERENCE-DATA FIELDS. In addition, enter a twenty-nine-character DMI title in the TITLE field.
Figure 3 - Sort Record (non-default)
Enter the three-digit warrant (write) source begin position. Used to locate the beginning position of data elements used for sorting.
001-999 – length for the beginning data element position.
Enter the two-digit warrant (write) source length. Used to identify the length of the data element to use for sorting.
01-99 – length of the data element being defined. .
STARS assigns warrant numbers in the Warrant Write file using the Warrant Source Begin and Source Length information. STARS also uses this information to sort its tables in proper sequence according to each DMI. STARS does this by putting the information from the Warrant Write file into a Warrant Write sort record, using the Warrant Target Begin and Target Length information described below.
Enter the three-digit warrant target begin position. This identifies the position on the Warrant Write sort record to place the warrant number retrieved from the Warrant Write file.
001-999 – range for the beginning warrant number or data element position
Enter the two-digit warrant target length. This identifies the length of the warrant number in the Warrant Write sort record. You can use this field for other Warrant Write data elements that you may want to use for sorting.
01-99 – range for the warrant number or data element length (should match the Warrant Source Length.)
Enter the three-digit zip code source begin position. This identifies the beginning position of a zip code in a Warrant Print file to use for sorting or for other Warrant Print data elements to use for sorting.
001-999 – range for the beginning zip code or data element position
Enter the two-digit zip code source length. This identifies the length of the zip code in the Warrant Print file or for other Warrant Print data elements to use for sorting.
01-99 – range for the zip code or data element length
STARS uses the Zip Code Source Begin and Source Length information to set up the Warrant Print file and to sort its internal tables in proper sequence according to each DMI. STARS retrieves this information from the Warrant Print file and places it into a Warrant Print sort record below using the Zip Code Target Begin and Target Length information described below.
Enter the three-digit zip code target begin position. This identifies the position of the zip code in the target record (usually an internal sort record) retrieved from the Warrant Print source field above.
001-999 – position of the beginning zip code or data element
Enter the two-digit zip code target length. This identifies the physical length of the zip code in the Warrant Print record (target record). Use to place the length of the retrieved zip code into a target record for use in sorting. (Usually an internal sort record).
01-99 – length of the zip code or data element (should match the Zip Code Source Length above.)