View or Edit a Request

​To find a request that has been saved and either routed to an approver or not, click View/Edit Request in the Requester/Travel Menu. To find requests that have been processed, removed, expired, etc., use the Reportsmenu or the Processed Documents menu.

Figure 1 - Travel Express menu

the View Edit Request menu options highlighted

1. Click View/Edit Request. Your requests will be displayed. See Step 3.


Figure 2 - Request Search

 the request search criteria fields 

2. If you are an Administrator, Proxy, or Auditor, click Browse next to Traveler.

a. Select the name from the menu or type the first few letters of the first or last name of the traveler.

    • If you are just a user, (not a Proxy or an Administrator), only your name will be displayed.
    • If you are a Proxy, your name and the people for whom you are a Proxy will be displayed.
    • If you are an Administrator, a Fiscal Coder, or an Auditor, all Travel Express users will be displayed.

b. Click the name of the user whose requests you want to find.

c. Select additional criteria to search by: the Destination (by state), the Group name, the Status of the request.

d. Enter the range of Departed dates.

e. Click Find. (Click Reset to reset the view to all users available.)

3. Click Select next to the request.

4. If the status of the request is:

a. Draft or Pending Approval(s) - If you are a the user or Proxy who created the request, you can make changes to the various expenses (Per Diem, Travel Mode, Misc Exp, etc.) and comments or you can remove it. If you make changes to a request, be sure to click Save on each screen (Per Diem, Travel Mode, etc.) that you make changes to.

b. A request with a status of Pending Approval(s) must be opened in the Approver menu to approve it.

c. Pending Voucher(s) means a voucher has been started from the request. An Administrator will be able to view it.

d. Awaiting Voucher Creation means the request is approved, but a voucher has not yet been created from it. You can view the request, but after a request is approved and the status is Awaiting Voucher Creation, the request cannot be changed. However, since a request is only an estimate of expenses, the traveler/user should make any changes to per diem or other expenses on the voucher.)

5. Click the Reporttab to view or export (in PDF or Excel format) the Travel Expense Summary, Travel Expense Details, and the Audit Trail of the request.

Figure 3 - View request

the report tab highlighted 

6. Any line item with a V next to it (under the Vou column) has been put onto a voucher. (Not all line items have to put on one voucher.)