Remove or Delete a Request
A request can be removed, but doing so can have an impact on any vouchers created from the request.
1. Find and select the request by clicking View/Edit Request in the Requester/Travel Menu. 2. Click the Request tab, and then click Remove. If the request has not been sent to an approver, it will not be seen in Reports or Processed Documents.
1. Find and select the request by clicking View/Edit Request in the Requester/Travel Menu.
2. Click the Request tab, and then click Remove. If the request has not been sent to an approver, it will not be seen in Reports or Processed Documents.
Do not remove a request if a request has been approved and any of the line items of the request have been put onto a voucher until the voucher has been sent to STARS. Otherwise on the Fiscal Coding screen, the Request Travel Details and the Request Audit Trail will read, “No data to display" and the request will not be seen in Reports. It can be found in the Processed Documents menu with a status of “Removed".
If the request has been approved, but a voucher is not created from it, and the request is removed, it can be found in the Travel Request and Audit Reports.
If the request has been approved, and a voucher is created from it (even in Draft status), and the request is removed, it can be found in the Processed Documents > Processed Requests screen and in the Travel Request and Audit Reports. The voucher will not be affected except that on the Fiscal Coding screen, the Request Travel Details and the Request Audit Trail will read, “No data to display".