Cancel a Voucher Approved for STARS Upload
A voucher can be updated after you have routed it to STARS as long as it is the same day you routed it, and before the STARS upload at approximately 6:30 PM MST.
1. Click Approver Menu.
2. Click Approve/Disapprove a Voucher.
3. Click the Status drop-down menu and select Pending STARS Upload.
4. Click the Level field and press DEL or back space to make the field blank.
5. Click Find.
Figure 1 - Pending STARS upload
6. Click Select next to the voucher.
7. Click the Choose One drop down menu and select Cancel STARS upload.
Figure 2 - Cancel STARS upload
8. Enter comments in the Comments field to explain the reason. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &, ', “, <, and \.
9. Click Submit.
10. Click Return to Menu.
11. Click Approver Menu and then Approve/Disapprove a Voucher.
12. The Approver can route back to a coder, to a traveler, or to STARS.