Find and Edit or Remove a Voucher


Use the View/Edit Voucher menu to find vouchers that are in process – those that have been saved and are either in Draft status, waiting to be approved, or in Fiscal Coding. If you created a voucher as a Proxy, select the voucher by the name of the traveler.

If you have been assigned more than one role (e.g., you are a fiscal coder and an approver, or a proxy and an approver), you can view another user's voucher in Draft status, but you cannot make changes to it. A proxy can make changes to a voucher that they created, but not one created by the user for whom they are a proxy.

To find vouchers that have been processed, removed, sent to STARS, etc., use the Reports menu or the Processed Documents menu.

View and/or Edit a Voucher

At the Travel Express main menu, select the Requester/Traveler Menu, and then select View/Edit Voucher.

Figure 1 - View/Edit selections​

the view edit request and view edit voucher menu options 

1. Click View/Edit Voucher. Your vouchers will be displayed.

2. If the Status of the voucher is:

a. Draft – only the creator of the voucher can make changes to a voucher and route it to a fiscal coder. A proxy can make changes to a voucher that they created, but not one created by the user for whom they are a proxy. Administrators can make and save changes to a draft voucher). If changes are made to the Destination, or the Departure or Return dates, the Per Diem screen will be reset - any previously saved information in will be lost.

b. Pending Approval(s) - You can view, print, or remove it. Otherwise it must be opened in the Approver menu to approve a voucher.

c. Pending Fiscal Coding - You can view, print, or remove it. Otherwise must be opened in the Fiscal Coder menu to code a voucher.

d. Pending STARS Upload – The voucher has been approved by the final approver. The approver can cancel the upload to STARS on the Approve/Disapprove a Voucher menu.

e. Mileage Only vouchers in Draft status may display Destination, Depart, and Return information that seems to be incorrect, but will be correct in the actual voucher.

3. You can select a voucher, or you can filter the list of vouchers by traveler, destination, status, or depart dates.

a. If you are an Administrator, Approver, Proxy, or Auditor, click Browse next to Traveler.

b. Select the name from the menu or type the first few letters of the first or last name of the traveler.

    • If you are not a Proxy or an Administrator, Approver, or an Auditor, only your name will be displayed. If you are a Proxy, your name and the people for whom you are a Proxy will be displayed.
    • If you are an Administrator, an Approver, a Fiscal Coder, or an Auditor, all Travel Express users will be displayed.

c. Click the name of the user whose vouchers you want to find.

d. Select other criteria to search by:

  • Destination (by state)
  • Group name (if used)
  • Status of the voucher
  • A range of Departed dates.

e. Click Find. (Click Reset to reset the view to all users available.)

Figure 2 - Status​

the status drop down menu and the find button highlighted 

4. Click Select next to the voucher.

5. Click the Report tab to view or print the voucher details.

Figure 3 - Report tab

the report tab highlighted 

6. Click the Save disc icon to select a format from the drop down menu.

Figure 4 - Report Format

the save disc icon highlighted 

7. Select either Excel or PDF or Word.

8. Click Export.

9. View, save or print the file.

Remove a Voucher

1. Click Select next to the voucher.

2. Click Remove and then click OK.

3. If you remove a voucher that has been routed to Fiscal Coding or to an approver, it will be removed from the Fiscal Coding or Approver screen.

Figure 5​ - Remove​

the remove button highlighted