​​​​​​Create a Requisition


Any active Purchasing user can create a requisition from the Requisitions menu > Requisition screen. A user can create a requisition from a template, if one is avaialble.

Figure 1 - Requisitions menu > Requisition tab

 requisitions link highlighted and requisition screen shown

A Purchaser can create a requisition from the Purchase Orders menu, Requisition screen. A Purchaser can also create a requisition on behalf of another person. (Like any other requisition, a Purchaser’s requisition must be approved through the Requisitions menu > Approval screen,  or authorized on the Requisitions menu > Requisition screen).

Figure 2 - Purchase Orders Requisition tab

purchase orders link highlighted and requisition shown screen 

Enter Requisition "Header" Information

1. Click the Requisition tab and enter “header” information – the department, the requisition number, notes, etc.

2. A Department is not required, but if your agency uses requisition departments, select a Department.

  • If your agency has not created requisition departments, there will be no Department menu.
  • If you belong to only one department, it will be displayed by default.

Figure 3 - Requisition Department

requisition screen department drop down menu 

3. Enter a requisition number in the Req # field. If your agency uses automatically assigned requisition numbers, this field will not be displayed.

4. Type a description in the Description field. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.

5. Click Save.

  • A tracking number (Tracking #) is automatically assigned so that the document can be tracked in the application. If a Requisition Department is manually entered, or the Requisition Number is automatically assigned, it will not be assigned yet.
  • Click Delete Requisition if you want to delete the requisition after you have saved it, but before the Itemization is complete.​

Figure 4 - Requisition tracking number

requisition tracking number highlighted 

Add Items to the Requisition

Once the requisition is saved, you can add items to it.

1. Click Add Item.

Figure 5 - Add Item

requisition screen with two lines items 

2. Enter the Item #. This could be a product number, catalog number, model number, etc.

3. Enter or edit a description in each Description field as needed. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.

4. Enter a quantity in the Qty field.

5. Select a unit of measure from the U.M. menu, e.g., Each, Box, Dozen, etc. (Select Morein the menu to select from all of the available units of measure.)

6. Enter the price for a single unit of measure in the Price field. The SubTotal field will automatically calculate the Price multiplied by the quantity (Qty).

7. Select a workflow from the Workflow menu. (Most agencies select a Workflow at this point, but a Workflow doesn't have to be selected until fiscal coding is completed.)

8. Continue to click Add Item to add as many items needed for your requisition. The total amount of the requisition will be displayed.

9. If you want to save the requisition and line items so that you can finish it later, click Save.

10 If you are finished adding items to the requisition, click Itemize Complete.

The requisition will be “Awaiting Authorization” or “Awaiting Fiscal Coding”, or or the Status screen will display a link called Fiscal​ next to the requisition. This all dependes on how your Purchasing administrator has set up your agency.

Optional Selections, Notes, Attachments

Other information can be added as needed for your particular situation, or for your agency’s purchasing processes.

1. Enter a Need by date or select a date using the calendar icon. This will indicate to the purchaser that you want to have your request fulfilled by that date. This may be automatically entered and you can delete it if you like.

2. Check the All or Nothing check box, if desired. This will indicate to the purchaser that you require all of the items in your requisition, and if they cannot be purchased together, then the items should not be purchased.

3. Click the Req Atch icon to attach scanned documents applicable to the requisition in general. You can add attachments at any time in the process. NOTE: You can also attach documents to an individual line item using the Atch icon next to it. See Attaching Scanned Documents.

4. The Req Notes icon becomes available after you click Save. Click the icon to add comments in general or notes for the purchaser, or whatever is applicable to the requisition. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \. You can also add notes to an individual line item using the Notes icon next to it.

5. Click Save when finished adding additional information.​

Fiscal Coding, Add a Vendor, and Other Actions

1. In many agencies, the purchaser will select a vendor when they create the purchase order, However, if needed for your agency’s process, check the Vendor Info check box to enter a vendor name and address.

  • Enter just a vendor name and the application will save it. The purchaser can then use this to look up the actual vendor number.
  • Enter a valid vendor number and suffix and press TAB, the application will automatically enter the vendor name and address.
  • Enter an ‘invalid’ vendor number/suffix, but you must then also enter a vendor name.
  • The purchaser may add or update the vendor information with the actual vendor number and vendor name when a purchase order is created. Click Save when finished adding vendor information.

2. Some agencies assign fiscal coding duties to specific individuals. They would select the requisition from the Status screen and check the Coding Info check box to eneter fiscal coding. Refer to the Fiscal Coding link on the left menu of this page. If a requester has been given these permissions, the requester can enter fiscal coding when creating the requisition.

3. If you need to remove all the items, click Clear All Items. The “header” information – the department, the requisition number, notes, etc. – will remain.

4. You can add more items by clicking Add Item, but there will not be an Itemize Complete button, and each additional item will not have a status. However, they can still be fiscal coded and approved.

5. Click Void Requisition if you need to void it before it is approved. (After it is approved by the final approver, the status will be “Ready for purchasing” and the purchaser must cancel the requisition items.)

Line Item Menu Functions Before and After Saving a Requisition​​
Before you click Save to save the requisition, you can click Menu next to a line item.

Figure 7 - Line Item Menu Before Saving

the line otem menu of a new requsition 

You can:

  1. Click Delete Line Item to delete the line item.
  2. Click Duplicate Line Item to create another row that is a duplicate of that line.
  3. Click Create Freight Item to create another row to enter freight charges separately. This line will be associated to the line item selected. The purchaser will not have to select this row to add to a purchase order – it will be part of the requisition line item.
  4. Click Show History to view the actions taken on the requisition.
  5. Click Show Full Description to see the complete text of theDescription field. You can also double-click the Description field to show the complete description

More Line Item Menu Functions

After saving a requisition, two more line item Menu functions become available.

Figure 8 - Line item menu of a saved requisition

the line item menu of a saved requisition 

You can:

1. Click Edit Ship-To Address to select a specific shipping address from a list that is maintained by your agency’s Purchasing administrator. Only required if you do not want to use the default address or if no default address is present.

2. Click Edit Bill-To Address to select a specific billing address from a list that is maintained by your agency’s Purchasing administrator. Only required if you do not want to use the default address or if no default address is present.

Delete or Void a Requisition

Click Delete Requisition if you decide to delete the requisition after you have saved it, but before the Itemization is complete.

To void the requisition after itemization is completed, but before it is approved, click Void Requisition.

After the requisition is final approved, the status will be “Ready for purchasing”. If needed, the purchaser can cancel the requisition items.