Add or Update Users


The Purchasing administrator can:

  • Add new users and assign their security and any limits on their approval rules.
  • Update existing users.
  • Assign users to the Workflows and Departments

Add a New User

1. From the Purchasing main menu, select Administration.

2. Click the User Maint tab, then click Find New User.

3. In the User Lookup dialog box, type the last name of the new user in the Last Name field. (You can type the first few letters of a user’s name if you are not sure how it is spelled.)

  • To add an employee from another agency, type the last and/or first name and enter their agency number in the Agency field. Do not add an employee from your agency to another agency number.

4. Click Find. If the user cannot be found, contact your payroll administrator to make sure that the person has been added to state payroll records.

5. Click Select next to the user’s name to add, and then click OK to confirm adding the user.

Figure 1 - Find new user example

Find New User button highlighted with user lookup window displayed 

6. Select Active User to grant the user access to the application.

7. Select the security or the roles to assign to the user. Some of these roles are related to settings on the Agency screen.

  • Admin – agency administrator functions. It is recommended to have at least two users added for this role so that one can serve as a backup.
  • Authorizer – authorizes the requisition prior to approval. If you enable Auto Authorize Requisitions on the Agency screen, you do not need an Authorizer.
  • Coder – adds fiscal coding to the line items of the requisition.
  • Approver – approves the requisition. Add Approvers to the Workflow(s) you create on the Agency screen. If you create Req Departments on the Agency screen and enable Restrict Approval by Department, add the Approvers to the appropriate requisition departments.
  • Assigner – assigns requisitions to specific purchasers. If you do not enable PO Assigner Required on the Agency screen, you do not need an Assigner.
  • Purchaser – purchases the items from requisitions. Purchasers do not need to belong to Workflows. If you create PO Departments on the Agency screen, add Purchasers to the departments.
    • Max PO Amt – Set the maximum dollar amount of the entire purchase order that the purchaser can make.
    • Max Item Amt - Set the maximum dollar amount of a single line item that the purchaser can add to a purchase order.
  • PO Approver – approves a purchase order. If you do not enable PO Approver Required on the Agency screen, you do not need a PO Approver.
  • Receiver – receives and records the receipt of the items purchased.

8. Click Add User.

Figure 2 - User security or roles example

 User security check boxes

Assign Specific Approval Rules

Specific approval rules can work in conjunction with creating requisition departments and workflows. For instance, two approvers can be assigned to the same department and workflow, but one could approve items that are fiscally coded with specific PCAs.

1. To assign approval rules, such as limiting an approver to specific Grants or Funds or Budget Units, click Approval Rules.

Figure 3 - Approval Rules button example

 Approver Rules button featured

3. Select either

2. Determine the fiscal codes you want to allow the user to approve.

Figure 4 - Approval Rules example

 Approval radio buttons shown for various fiscal codesAll or None for each fiscal code.

  • All indicates that the user can approve all Indexes, PCAs, Grants, etc.
  • None indicates that the user cannot approve any of them.

4. Click the Exceptions asterisk next to a fiscal code to display the list of specific fiscal codes to select as exceptions to the All or None choice.

For example:

  • If you select All for Fund and then select several Funds from the Exceptions list, the user can approve requisition items that are coded with all Funds except for those selected.
  • If you select None for Fund and then select several Funds from the Exceptions list, then the user cannot approve requisition items except for the ones coded with the Funds you selected.

Figure 5 - Approval Rules exceptions example

 Asterisk button highlighted on the Approval rules screen

5. To limit the dollar amounts an approver can approve, enter a minimum dollar amount (Min Amount) and/or a maximum dollar amount (Max Amount) of a requisition that the approver can approve. The approver will not be able to approve requisition items higher or lower than these dollar amounts.

6. Click Save when finished. Requisition items that an approver cannot approve will be highlighted. Although the approvers can view the requisition items on the Approval screen, they will not be able to approve them.

Add a User to a Workflow and Department

If you have created Workflows and Departments on the Agency screen, you can add users to them on the User Maint screen. If you add your users before creating Workflows and Departments, you can add them on the Agency screen when you create the Workflows and Departments.

1. On the User Maint screen, either select an existing user from the user list, or continue with a new user set up.

2. Select a workflow from the Workflow drop down menu.

3. Select a Level.

4. Be sure Active check box is checked.

5. Click Add.

6. Continue adding the user to as many workflows as needed.

7. If you have created departments, select a department from the User Departments drop down menu.

8. Click Add.

9. Continue adding the user to as many departments as needed.

10. Click Update User.

Figure 6 - Workflows and departments example

Workflow and Department drop down menus on the user profile screen 

If Approvers Are Unable to Approve Requisition Items

If an approver cannot approve a requisition or requisition line items:

  • They are not part of the requisition workflow.
  • They are not part of the Requisition Department and you have restricted approvals by department.
  • There are line item(s) with fiscal coding or a dollar amount which their approval rules do not allow them to approve.
  • They are not an approver.

Users can click Approve next to a requisition, click a line item Menu, and then click Show Reason to find out why they cannot approve the item.

Update Existing Users

1. On the User Maint tab, click Select next to a user’s name.

2. Depending on the changes you want to make, choose from the following:

a. Uncheck Active User to remove the user’s access to the application.

b. Select or deselect the security or the roles to assign to the user (see above). If a person is removed as an Approver but left on the workflow, they will not be able to approve requisitions. But if you remove a user as an Approver, you should also remove them from the approver level of requisition workflows.

c. Add a user to a Workflow or Department as described above.

d. To delete a user from a Workflow or Department, click Del next to the Workflow or Department name.

e. Click Approval Rules to edit the user’s approval authority (as described above) and click Save.

3. When finished making changes to a user, click Update User.