Create Purchase Order Notes
An administrator can create notes that purchasers can select from and append to a purchase order. The administrator can set notes to be default notes so that they will automatically print on every purchase order without the purchaser having to select them.
1. From the Purchasing main menu, click Administration screen.
2. Click the PO Notes tab.
Figure 1 - PO Notes screen
3. In the Notes field, type the message you want to print on a purchase order (up to 2000 characters). Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.
Figure 2 - Adding a new note
4. Check the Default check box if you want the note to print on every purchase order. (You may check more than one, but this can cause printing problems on the purchase order. See below.)
5. Click Add Notes.
Figure 3 - New note added
6. To add another note, click Clear.
7. Type another note and then check the Default check box if you want the note to print on every purchase order. (You may check more than one, but this can cause printing problems on the purchase order.)
8. Click Add Notes.
Figure 4 - Second note added
9. To edit a note, click Select next to the note.
10. Edit the Notes text and then click Update Notes.
Any note that is a Default will print on the PO without the purchaser having to select it. However, the purchaser can chose a different note. On the PO screen, the purchaser would click the Vndr Notes icon, and then click the Default tab on the Vendor Notes pop-up dialogue box. The Purchaser can then uncheck the Default note and check a different note. Notes will print in the Vendor Notes section of the purchase order.
Figure 5 - Purchase Order with PO Notes
Selecting too many notes may cause the notes to print past the bottom margin of the page. It is also possible that PO Notes that have many separate lines (e.g., an itemized list) may print past the bottom margin of the page.
If you have a long note that you want to print along with a purchase order, create and save it as a separate document (e.g., in MS Word or PDF). Purchasers can then add it as an Attachment and will be able to select it when they print the purchase order.