​Purchasing - Create and Use a Requisition Template


A requisition template can be created so that you can reuse the items and fiscal coding on future requisitions. A new requisition made from a template can be added to or modified as needed .

A template can be created either from a template form or from an existing requisition.

The important distinction is that a requisition that has been saved as a requisition, and then saved as a template, will create both a requisition and a template. Be aware of this if you intend to create only a template.

Create a Template from a Form

1. From the Purchasing main menu, select Requisitions.

2. Click the Status tab.

3. Check the Template check box.

4. Click Find.

5. Click the Template tab.

Figure 1 - Template tab

 the start of a blank template form

6. Enter a name for the template in the Template field.

7. If desired, select a Need By date.

8. Enter a Description. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.

9. Click Save.

NOTE: A department, if used by your agency, is not required (or may not be available) when creating template. The department will be selected when the requisition is made from the template.

10. Click Add Item.

11. Add the Description, Qty, Price, etc. Add as many line items as needed. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \, in the Description field.

12. If desired, click Vendor Info to add a vendor name and address as you would for a requisition.

13. If desired, click Coding Info to add fiscal coding as you would a requisition.

14. Click Save to save the template.

Figure 2 - Add line items to template

 the template screen with one item added

Create a Template from a Requisition

1. From the Purchasing main menu, select Requisitions.

  • You may create a template from a requisition you a currently entering.

2. Click the Status tab.

  • You may need to change the Status drop down to All Requisitions, uncheck the My Requisitions check box, and/or change Departments to All Departments, then click Find.

3. Click Select, Fiscal, or View to open a requisition.

4. With the requisition open, click Make Template.

Figure 3 - Make Template

 the requisitions screen with the make template button highlighted

5. Make changes or additions to the template as needed. 

  • You may want to change the Description. Otherwise your template will be saved with the same description as the requisition. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \ in the Description field.
  • You will notice the Requisitions tab will be displayed as the Template tab.

6. Click Save to save the template.

Use a Template to Create a Requisition

1. From the Purchasing main menu select Requisitions.

2. Click the Status tab.

3. Check the Template check box.

4. Click Find.

Figure 4 - Template check box on the Status screen

 the requisitions status screen with the template check box highlighted

5. Locate the template to use and then click Edit.

6. Click Make Requisition.

Figure 5 - Make Requisition

the template screen with the make requisition button highlighted 

7. If using a template that was created in a prior fiscal year, verify all of the fiscal code fields in the new requisition – e.g., Grant and Grant Phase, Project and Project Phase. Otherwise the fiscal codes used on the template may be invalid for your current year requisition.

8. Enter (or change) the Description, make any necessary changes to the itemized list, or add additional items. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \, in the Description field.

9. If needed, click Vendor Info to add or change a vendor name and address.

10 If needed, click Coding Info to add or change the fiscal coding.

11. Click Itemize Complete (this will save the requisition and make it ready for approval) or click Save if you want to save the requisition and add to or change it later.