Find a Vendor Number To Use On An Invoice
The best way to enter a vendor on an invoice is to click the asterisk next to Vendor #, enter some search criteria, and then click Find (this is referred to as a ‘lookup’).
1. On the Invoice screen, click the asterisk next to Vendor #.
Figure 1 - Vendor look up
2. Enter any combination of search criteria – Name (will search for vendor name and business name), City, Vendor #, etc.
3. Click Find.
4. Click Select next to a vendor number and the vendor related fields will be automatically filled in.
5. If you do not use the search, enter the vendor number (Vendor #) and the vendor number suffix (Sfx). Then click in the next field or press TAB and the Vendor Name and Address will be populated automatically.
If a vendor is new or has changed their address or their name, but their vendor number does not change, you may not find the vendor in the Vendor Look Up. Uncheck the Agency Vendors check box, enter your search criteria, and then click Find. If you still cannot find a vendor, use the wildcard in your search.
If a new vendor has been added through the Vendor Maintenance application, it will not be available in any SCO web application until the following business day.