Pay Your P-Card Bank Statement
Payment Services can be used to pay U.S. Bank P-Card payments. To do so, the Invoice Description must begin with the agency’s unique 16-digit account number. The remaining 14 characters in the Invoice Description can be descriptive information. Although you must put in an Invoice Number in Payment Services, the Invoice Number will not be included when the batch is uploaded to STARS.
1. Click the Invoice tab. (Your Payment Services administrator can set the application to open on the Status, the Invoice, or some other screen.)
2. Enter the Invoice # (14 alphanumeric characters). When the Payment Services transaction is uploaded to STARS, the Invoice Number will be removed since U.S. Bank does not allow this field to be populated when payments are sent to them.
3. Enter the Invoice Date or select a date using the calendar icon.
4. Enter the Payment Date. This is the date the invoice will be sent from Payment Services to STARS.
5. If needed, enter an account number (17 alphanumeric characters) in the Acct # field. (This does not get sent to STARS and does not appear on warrants.) This is not the agency’s U.S. Bank account number.
6. Enter an Invoice Description (30 alphanumeric characters). The Invoice Description must begin with the agency’s unique 16-digit account number. The remaining 14 characters can be descriptive information.
7. If needed, enter Comments. This information does not get sent to STARS and does not appear on warrants. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.
8. Enter the Total Amount.
9. Enter the vendor number (Vendor #) and the vendor number suffix (Sfx). The U.S. Bank P-Card vendor number is 941687665 PC. Click in the next field or press TAB and the name and address of the vendor will be automatically populated.
10. If needed, enter a document number (Document #).
11. If your agency uses groups, select a group name from the Group drop down menu.
12. Click Save & Continue or Save & Clear. You can update the invoice even after you have saved the invoice.
13. If needed, click the Attachments tab to attach scanned invoices or other documents for the invoice.
If needed, the invoice is ready to be authorized or fiscal coded on the Distribute screen. Most agencies set up automatic authorization.
Run a Reconciliation Report in P-Card that matches the date range of your statement. Use the fiscal coding in the Fund and Grant columns of this report to pay the bank.
Be sure any individual lines on the Distribute screen has the same Invoice Description as the Invoice. The Invoice Description is 30 alphanumeric characters and must begin with the agency’s unique 16-digit account number.
When the final approval level is selected, the Approver will determine and set: