Distribute Screen Fiscal Code Fields
The following are brief descriptions of the fiscal code data fields used on the Distribute screen. Some fields in the distribution grid use different acronyms or abbreviations than data elements in STARS, but they have the same functions.
Be sure to use fiscal codes that are valid for the BFY entered for the invoice. You can check this on the relevant STARS Tables. Payment Services will display a message that if one of your fiscal codes is invalid or not allowed. The best practice for any field marked with an asterisk, place the cursor in the field and press F3, enter some search criteria, and then click Find. Click the fiscal code you want to use.
TC - Transaction Code. Determines the general ledger accounts and STARS files that the transaction will post to.
R - Reversal Indicator. Will change the debits and credits of a transaction code.
RefDoc - Reference Document number. Determines which Document Number to post the transaction to. Leave this field blank unless required by the transaction (e.g., encumbrances or interagency billings).
Sfx - After the RefDoc, this is the reference document number suffix.
BFY - Budget Fiscal Year
Amt - Amount
Mod - Modifier to close or re-open a document on the Document File. An “F” (Final) or “C” (Close) closes a document. An “A” (Activate) opens a closed document. Invoice Description
Description - Invoice or line item description (30 characters). Prints on the warrant.
PCA - Program Cost Account (alphanumeric). Identifies program structures to post transactions to.
Index - Code that identifies organization structures to post transactions to.
ExpSub - Expenditure Subobject Code. The category such as office supplies, accounting services, etc. Click here for an Expenditure Subobjects list.
Dtl - Expenditure Subobject Detail number
RevSub - Revenue Subobject. Identifies the type of the revenue received. With the exception of the TC027 (receipts to appropriation), do not use an Expenditure and Revenue Subobject on the same transaction.
Dtl - Revenue Subobject Detail number
Grant - Grant number. Your agency may establish Grants/Phases to keep track of certain types of revenues and/or expenditures. Your agency also decides on the level of control and reporting. Grants are not used exclusively for federal grants, so you can use them to track any type of information.
Ph - Grant Phase (alphanumeric)
Project - Project number. Your agency may establish Projects/Phases to keep track of certain types of revenues and/or expenditures. Your agency also decides on the level of control and reporting. Use Projects to identify the amounts for individual subgrantees. You can use Projects to separate Projects within a Grant or you can use them on their own.
Ph - Project Phase (alphanumeric)
BU - Budget Unit
Fund - Fund number. Determines which cash control fund to charge the expenditure. Fund code determines which appropriation fund to charge the expenditure. If there is not enough appropriation in the appropriate Budget Unit and object for this Fund within your agency, the transaction will not process.
Dtl - Fund Detail
SecA - Second Agency. Required on transactions when billing another agency or transferring cash to another agency.
Subs - Subsidiary. Identifies subsidiary accounts to track amounts separately by a unique subsidiary number within a general ledger account.
DMI - Disbursement Method Indicator. Used to sort the daily warrants. Disbursement Method “L” sorts a warrant so it can be sent to your office for mailing (for non-EFT vendors).
GAAP - GAAP indicator. Helps track transactions at the end of a year and the beginning of the next year. Your agency will use this for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to show accruals.
Location - Each agency defines these fields in order to group similar transactions together. Can be physical location. These are for agency reference only.
Facility - Each agency defines these fields in order to group similar transactions together. There are no reports by these fields. These are for agency reference only.
Task - Each agency defines these fields in order to group similar transactions together. There are no reports by these fields. These are for agency reference only.
MPC - Multi-Purpose Code. Each agency defines this field as needed. Also used for MER (miscellaneous encumbrance requisitions) documentation.
CI - Capitalization Indicator. Can be blank. An 'F' in this field will create a corresponding asset record in the FAS Hold file automatically. A 'W' denotes "construction in progress".
PropNo - Property Number. Required on most Capital Outlay purchases
Cmp - Component Number. Required along with Property Number on most Capital Outlay purchases.