Pay by Encumbrance
The encumbrance must be created in STARS first, and then invoices can be paid in Payment Services from it. Payment Services cannot create the encumbrance.
1. As a Fiscal Coder, from the Payment Services menu, select Invoice, then click Select next to an invoice that is Awaiting Cost Distribution.
2.. The Distribute screen displays the invoice details and a distribution grid in which the fiscal codes are entered and costs are distributed.
3. Either enter a transaction code in the TC field on the first row or use the search to select an appropriate TC. Be sure to use a transaction code appropriate to pay an encumbrance. Payment Services prohibits the use of a TC 215 because it debits GL 4300.
To search for a transaction code:a. Place the cursor in the TC field, and then press F3.b. Click the transaction code The code will be entered in the field.c Other fiscal code fields required by the TC will be highlighted.
To search for a transaction code:
a. Place the cursor in the TC field, and then press F3.
b. Click the transaction code The code will be entered in the field.
c Other fiscal code fields required by the TC will be highlighted.
Figure 1 – Highlighted fiscal code fields
4. Enter the encumbrance number in the RefDoc and Sfx fields, or use a “look up” or search for and select a reference document number (see step 7).
5. Enter the four-digit BFY of the encumbrance. This field will be blank if you manually enter the RefDoc.
6. Press TAB or click into another field and Payment Services will automatically enter other fiscal code fields (PCA, Index, Grant, etc.) if the encumbrance has been set up in STARS to do so. If you see an ‘Invalid Encumbrance’ error message, make sure the BFY is correct for that RefDoc (encumbrance.)
7. Continue entering fiscal codes on the distribution grid or search for fiscal codes where indicated by an asterisk. You can change the Invoice Description field and this will be printed on the remittance advice to the vendor. However, this will not update the Invoice Description on the Invoice screen in Payment Services.
To look up or search for (‘look up’) certain fiscal codes:a. Choose a fiscal code field designated with an asterisk, place the cursor in the field, and then press F3.b. The application will validate the codes and (except for the TC field as noted above) will also automatically enter any other related fiscal codes. Error messages will be displayed if a fiscal code is not valid.
To look up or search for (‘look up’) certain fiscal codes:
a. Choose a fiscal code field designated with an asterisk, place the cursor in the field, and then press F3.b. The application will validate the codes and (except for the TC field as noted above) will also automatically enter any other related fiscal codes. Error messages will be displayed if a fiscal code is not valid.
a. Choose a fiscal code field designated with an asterisk, place the cursor in the field, and then press F3.
b. The application will validate the codes and (except for the TC field as noted above) will also automatically enter any other related fiscal codes. Error messages will be displayed if a fiscal code is not valid.
8. To create an additional row for cost distribution and coding, click Add Row or Dup.
Figure 2 – Fund/Cash balance
9. Click Save & Continue or Save & Clear.
Figure 3 - Save the fiscal coding