Create Templates for Fiscal Coding​


A template is a preset cost distribution with the basic fiscal codes defined and the costs distributed by percent or by amount. Generally, a template is intended for invoices that are distributed the same way each time and usually for regularly billed invoices from a single vendor, such as utilities, rent, or telephone invoices. To pay multiple vendors, use Recurring Payments.

Templates are created, edited, or deleted on the Template Maintenance screen. The Payment Services administrator assigns users permission to access Template Maintenance.

Create a Template

1. Select Template Maintenance from the Payment Services main menu.

2. Type a name for the template in the Template Name field. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.

Figure 1 - Template Maintenance screen

the template maintenance screen and associated fields 

3. Select a Template Type – Amount, Percent, or Blank.

  • Amount – costs are distributed by pre-defined amounts. This could be used with invoices whose costs are not likely to not change
  • Percent – distributes costs among funds by percentages. When applied to a cost distribution, the dollar amounts will be automatically rounded.
  • Blank – can be used to apply to regularly received invoices that may have varying total amounts. No amount or percentage is applied. Once applied, the distribution grid on the Distribute screen can be completed as needed.

4. Type a description in the Template Desc field (optional). Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.

5. Click Add Row.

6. Enter the fiscal codes as needed. (Enter an amount or a percentage for Amount or Percent templates.) The following fiscal codes are available: TC, Index, PCA, Sub, Dtl, Grant, Ph, Project, Ph, Invoice Description.

7. For any field in the distribution grid that is marked with an asterisk, the you can search for a fiscal code:

  • Place the cursor in the fiscal code field and press F3. Enter some search crtiteris, click Find, and then selcet the code.

8. If you are creating a template for U.S. Bank​​ P-Card payments, the Invoice Description must begin with your agency’s unique 16-digit U.S. Bank account number. The remaining 14 characters can be descriptive information.

9. To add another row, click Add Row or click Dup next to the first row. Dup will create a duplicate of the row, including any fiscal codes you have added.

  • If you are creating a template based on amount or on percentages, change the amount in the first row and add/change whatever fiscal coding you need. Then use either Add Row or Dup and the application will fill in the remaining balance/percentage on the subsequent row.

10. When finished, click Save. The template will now be available to use in the Distribute screen.

Below are three examples of template types.

Figure 2 - Percent template

the percent radio button and the percentage fields highlighted

Figure 3 - Amount Template

the amount radio button and the amount fields highlighted

Figure 4 - Blank Template

the blank radio button highlighted

Edit a Template

1. Select Template Maintenance from the Payment Services main menu.

2. Click the asterisk next to Template Name to search for a template.

Figure 5 - Template look up

the template name asterisk highlighted and various template search criteria shown 

3. Type the name of the template and/or use the other search criteria, and then click Find.

  • To find a list of all templates, leave the search criteria blank, check the Show Details check box next to the Find button, and then click Find.

4. Click Select next to the template to open it.

5. Make changes as needed.

6​. Click Save.

Delete a Template

1. Select Template Maintenance from the Payment Services main menu.

2. Click the asterisk next to Template name to search for the template.

3. Type the name of the template and/or use the other search criteria, and then click Find.

  • To find a list of all templates, leave the search criteria blank, check the Show Details check box next to the Find button, and then click Find.

4. Click Select next to the template

4. Click the Delete button.