​​​​Verify Transactions​


The bank sends P-Card transaction data to the State Controller’s Office to be updated in P-Card, and the date and time of the update is displayed on the P-Card main screen.

Figure 1 - P-Card Update

Last Visa Update date and time highlighted 

While SCO cannot control when the bank sends this data, you may contact SCO if this date is not current.

If you do not see transactions you expect to see, your P-Card administrator may need to import the transactions. Click here to refer to the "Outstanding Cards or Missing Transactions" document.

If you question any charges, contact your P-Card administrator or the U.S. Bank’s Customer Call Center.​

Select a Card Holder and Card

1. From the P-Card main menu, select Verifier or Verifier All.

2. Select a card holder from the Card Holder menu. A card holder’s name will be displayed if they have transactions to verify. If you are a Proxy Verifier, you must have permissions to verify the card. Contact your agency's P-Card administrator if you do not see a card that you think you should.

3. If necessary, select a credit card from the Credit Cards menu..

Enter or Change Fiscal Coding

1. Once a card holder and card is selected, the card holder’s transactions will be displayed. The fiscal codes are automatically entered based on the bank's merchant codes. You can change the coding, split transactions between STARS codes or funding sources.

Column headers describe the fiscal code fields, and you can use the scroll bar below the grid to view all of the fields.

​Other elements of the verifier screen :

  • Ve​ - check box used to verify transactions.
  • Pe - Posted/Pending. Indicates transactions that your P-Card administrator has flagged as posted pended. These transactions still need to be verified. The final approval will automatically create adjustments in STARS for these transactions.
  • Preview – If there are more than 20 verified transactions, the Preview check box will be available to view only those transactions or save and print them on one transmittal.​

Figure 2 - Verifier transaction grid

Transaction row for a verifier 

 2. Enter the PCA or Index, and then press TAB or click in another fiscal code field. Any other related fiscal codes will be entered automatically if the PCA or Index has been set up in STARS to do this.

  • You can manually enter fiscal coding. For any fiscal code field marked with an asterisk in the column header, you can place the cursor the field and press F3 search for the fiscal code, select it. The fiscal code will be automatically entered and any other related fiscal codes, if the codes have been set up in STARS to do this.

3. If a code is invalid, an error message will be displayed and it will be highlighted so you can correct it or click Undo Changes.

  • You do not need to enter a STARS vendor number, unless your agency requires this. P-Card will send a default vendor number of PCARD000 PC to STARS.

4. To change a Project, Grant, PCA, or Index:

If changing a PCA/Index

  • Do not change the Grant and Project. Click Save so that the application will look up the Grant and Project. If you change the PCA and delete whatever is in the Grant and Project fields, the application assumes you do not want a Grant and Project on the transaction.
  • If the default Grant or Project is blank, it will not be replaced with the Grant or Project that the PCA/Index looks up.
  • If the default Grant or Project is 999999 or any other Grant or Project number, it will be replaced with the Grant or Project that the PCA/Index looks up.

If changing the Project

  • Changing the Project will not update the Grant field.
  • If you enter a Project that looks up a Grant which does not match the “default” Grant that is in the grid, then an error message will be displayed.
  • If you enter a Project that looks up a Grant number 999999 or a blank, it will not change the Grant field.
    You could enter an end-dated Project intentionally to make the transmittal error when it is uploaded to STARS. Then you can correct it with a valid Project code in STARS.

5. If paying an encumbrance, enter the reference document of the encumbrance in the Encumb field. (The transaction will post into STARS with a TC 235 - P-Card Expenditure Prev Enc).

6. Do not use special characters or symbols in the Description field, such as &, ', “, <, and \.

7. If the CI (capitalization indicator) field has an F, the P-Card transaction will create a record in the FAS Hold File. If you do not want a record to be created in the FAS Hold File, delete the F in this field. If you want to add the asset to FAS, leave the F in this field, or enter an F if the field is blank.

8. To distribute or split a transaction into multiple rows, click the Split icon.

  • Do not verify transactions before splitting transactions, because when you save split transactions, they will be verified automatically.
  • Split transactions that have been saved can only be changed by clicking the Split icon again.

Figure 3 - Split icon

Split icon highlighted 

Verify Transactions

1. When finished with the fiscal coding, click the Ve check box next to the transaction(s). You can also select the “select all” check box at the top of the columns to select all transactions.

Figure 4 - Verifier Check boxes

Verifier check box highlighted

  • If a stop symbol is displayed when you hover your cursor over the verifier check boxes, it means that the transactions have already been verified and a transmitall has been created and submitted. Contact your P-Card Approver(s) if you need any fiscal coding changed.

2. If you do not want to create or submit a transmittal, click Save Changes. You can change your fiscal coding again if needed, and then click Save Changes again.

  • You can click Undo Changes – this cancels any unsaved changes made in the fiscal code fields and verify check boxes.

3. To attach scanned documents:

a. You must click Save Changes before you can attach documents.

b. Click Create Trans & Atch, browse for and attach your documents. This creates a transmittal, and once this is done, you cannot change the fiscal coding. A message will be displayed indicating that the transmittal has not been submitted. You must ‘Submit and Print’ it.

 c. Click Submit & Print. A transmittal will be generated and displayed in PDF format.

4. If you are not attaching scanned documents, click Submit & Print. A transmittal will be generated and displayed in PDF format.

After the Transmittal Has Been Submitted

1. Once you create a transmittal, the transmittal will be available to approvers in P-Card. You cannot change the fiscal coding of a transmittal (a stop symbol will be displayed when you hover your cursor over the verifier check boxes. Contact your P-Card Approver for them to make corrections.

2. If you verified only some transactions and then submitted and printed a transmittal, you cannot add the remaining transactions to that transmittal. You would have to verify the remaining transactions and submit/print a new transmittal.

3. The “S” column on the printed transmittal will indicate if transactions have been split (Y for yes, N for No).

4. If you need to view or print the transmittal again, you or your approver may go to the P-Card main menu and select View Transmittal, where you can view or print it.

E-mail Notification

If your P-Card administrator has enabled e-mail notification, an e-mail dialogue box will be displayed for you to choose an approver to notify. This list will include Approvers of the PCA on the transactions.

However, an ‘Approver All’ person will not be displayed to select – Approver All approvers do not receive email notifications.

If you do not want to send any e-mail notifications, click X in the corner of the e-mail dialog box to close it.

To send an e-mail notification:

1. Click the recipient’s name to highlight it. Press and hold CTRL and click the left mouse button to select multiple names. These people will be first level approvers of the PCA on the transactions.

2. Type a comment if needed.

3. Click Send or click Queue.

a. Click Send to send the e-mail immediately.

b. Click Queue to save e-mail messages in a queue. The messages will be sent automatically at the end of the day (midnight). Queue will store multiple e-mail messages for the same recipients, but only send one e-mail for each recipient with multiple invoice messages in the one e-mail.

Figure 5 - E-mail notification

list of e-mail notification recipients 

6. After sending or queuing, a verification message will appear. Click OK and then click X in the corner of the e-mail dialog box to close.