Inactivate or Reactivate a User
Employees may leave your agency permanently, or may change jobs positions so they are no longer a P-Card user. You should inactivate these users so they no longer have access to P-Card. Or temporary or seasonal employees who leave your agency may return to work. You can reactivate these users without requesting the State Controller’s Office assistance. (If an employee who has been inactivated tries to access P-Card, they will see an “Inactive User” message.)
On the P-Card Admin screen, you can verify or locate inactive (“Nonactive”) card holders by clicking the NonActive radio button above the list of users.
If a P-Card user leaves your agency or is no longer a P-Card user, inactivate the user in P-Card. However, leave their card active until all transactions for the user have come from the bank and into P-Card.
1. On the Admin screen, click the Edit icon next to a user’s name.
Figure 1 - Active P-Card user
2. On the user’s profile screen, uncheck the check box next to Active P-Card User.
3. Uncheck the Card Holder check box. (Then, if needed, assign the card to a different card holder, either on another user’s profile or use the Maintain CC menu.)
Figure 2 - User Profile
4. Leave the Active check box next to the card number (CC#) checked until all transactions for the user have come from the bank and into P-Card, and so that the card will be included in P-Card Reports.
5. Click Del next to any proxy cards. (If proxy cards are not deleted, the inactivated user’s name may still appear on P-Card Verifier screens.)
6. Click Save (on the top menu bar).
Figure 3 - Save
When an employee leaves the state payroll and EIS updates their records to reflect this, the user will no longer be able to access any of the Statewide Accounting System applications even if they are still able to log on to the SCO Web site.
When an employee returns to your agency, and try to access P-Card, they may see an Inactive User message. You can reactivate P-Card users without requesting the State Controller’s Office assistance.
1. On the Admin screen, select Nonactive to filter the list of users.
Figure 4 - Active vs. Nonactive users
2. Click the Edit icon of employee to be reactivated.
3. On the user’s profile, check the Active P-Card User check box.
Figure 5 - Active P-Card User
4. Add a P-Card as needed and verify their role and their default PCA or Index and their approval PCA or Index. Add any proxy cards if needed.
5. Click Save at the top of the user’s profile screen.