Transactions Not Verified Report
This report will show only those transactions specific to the user - and the PCA, Index, Location, or proxy cards that the user can verify – who runs the report.
The report will include Posted Pending transactions. The report will also include an indicator to show if a transaction has been verified, but not assigned a transmittal.
If transactions appear on this report that cannot be found in P-Card, check to make sure the card or card holder is Active. If not, make the card or card holder active, then a user who is Verifier All can verify the transactions and create the transmittal.
1. Click Reports on the P-Card Admin menu.
Figure 1 - Reports
2. Click Transactions Not Verified.
3. Select a date range and one of the criteria to sort the report by, and then click the desired file format.
When an "Approver" (not Approver All) runs the report, that person will see a Show all transactions with an assigned approval PCA or Index or Location) checkbox. When checked, the report will show all unverified transactions that have a PCA, Index, Location, or proxy card that the Approver will be able to approve.
Figure 2 - Report example