Add Outstanding Cards or Missing Transactions
If transactions cannot be found in P-Card, or you cannot reconcile your transactions with your bank statement, you can find and add any missing transactions. You may be able to discover a transaction on the All Transactions report for a card that is ‘inactive’.
First, though, check to see if the bank transactions sent to SCO are up to date. When you first log in to the Statewide Accounting Applications and select P-Card, note the time and date stamp at the bottom of the screen. If the date is not current – they are typically updated in the morning, contact the DSA Helpline.
Figure 1 - Date of last update
There are two ways to find missing transactions and import them into P-Card:
Either selection will open the same screen. The red menu is only displayed only when there are possible new cards detected.
1. Select P-Card from the Statewide Accounting Systems menu.
2. If the last update date is current, look for the Outstanding CC menu, highlighted in red. ( However, do not wait for this to be displayed to add a new card. You can add the cards on the Admin screen, using Maintain CC or directly on the card holder’s profile.)
Figure 2 - Outstanding CC Main Menu
A list of credit cards, displayed by the last ten numbers of the card, the card type, and an associated card holder name is shown.
Figure 3 - Select a card number
3. Click Select next to a card number.
4. The CC#, Type, Card Holder, and Description fields will be populated with as much information as possible. If this information is correct, click Save.
Figure 4 - Card Holder drop down
5. If there are transactions on the card, they will be displayed.
Figure 5 - Outstanding transactions
a. To add the transactions to P-Card, select a Posting Date to import all transactions from that date forward. You can do this one of two ways:Accept the default date or enter a date in the Import from date field and click Select. All transactions from that date forward will be highlighted.Click a Posting Date in the list of transactions. All transactions from that date forward will be highlighted. (The dates are sorted in descending order.)b. Click Import. When the transactions are successfully imported, they will be cleared from the screen.c. If the Import button is not enabled, the credit card may be marked as Inactive. Activate the card (e.g., in the Maintain CC screen) and try again.
a. To add the transactions to P-Card, select a Posting Date to import all transactions from that date forward. You can do this one of two ways:
b. Click Import. When the transactions are successfully imported, they will be cleared from the screen.
c. If the Import button is not enabled, the credit card may be marked as Inactive. Activate the card (e.g., in the Maintain CC screen) and try again.
1. If the red Outstanding CC menu is not displayed, click Admin.
Figure 6 - Admin
2. Then click the Outstanding CC button.
Figure 7 - Outstanding CC button
3. The Search for Unpopulated Transactions screen will be displayed. (If there are new cards that may need to be added, they will be displayed as well.)
4. Enter only the last ten digits of the credit card that you need to find transactions for in the CC # field.
5. Select the card Type (WFMC for MasterCard or BOAV for VISA cards).
6. Click Select. (Do not enter the card holder name.) If transactions are found, they will be displayed:
Figure 8 - Missing transactions found
7. To add the missing (“unpopulated”) transactions to P-Card, select a Posting Date to import all of the transactions from that date forward. You can do this one of two ways:
a. Click one Posting Date in the list and all transactions from that date forward will be highlighted. (The dates are sorted in descending order.)b. Enter a date in the Import from date field (or accept the date that it defaults to), and then click Select. All transactions from that date forward will be highlighted.
a. Click one Posting Date in the list and all transactions from that date forward will be highlighted. (The dates are sorted in descending order.)
b. Enter a date in the Import from date field (or accept the date that it defaults to), and then click Select. All transactions from that date forward will be highlighted.
8. Click Import. The highlighted transactions will be imported into P-Card, and verifiers and approvers will be able to process them. If the import button is not clickable or greyed out, the P-Card may be checked as inactive. Edit the user, check the card as Active, and then try again.