Mass Change Elements on Multiple Assets​


The Mass Change screen S041 enables an agency to change certain non-financial data on their own property records that have already been posted to the FAS Property File. The mass change screen is actually a table - once you enter information into the table, it will remain there until deleted or changed. Mass changes are processed and the property file records are updated in the nightly batch process.


Many of these data elements are on Descriptor Tables. For Descriptor Table information for your agency, you can request a DAFR4550 (Active Property by Agency, Suffix, Location, Responsible Name) from the, or use IBIS to create reports. (see the Reports link on the left side of this page.) 

You can also find existing Descriptor Table information for your agency by requesting a DAFR4630, specifying which Descriptor Table you want, from

Data Elements That Can Be Changed

You cannot change any financial information using the mass change screen, or change property that is moving from one agency to another.

The following data elements can be changed:


  • Agency Suffix
  • Class Code (within the same Class Code range)
  • Class Code Sfx
  • Location 1
  • Location 2
  • Resp First Name
  • Resp Mid Init
  • Resp Last Name
  • Risk Management Bill Code
  • Last Inventory Date (mmddyyyy)

Managing Mass Change Entries

The Sequence Number (00 to 99), along with the Agency Code, is important. Only one Sequence Number and Agency Code combination can be entered on the table at one time.


Work on only one sequence number at a time to avoid the possibility of having the same File Property record match criteria for multiple data elements. In other words, if one mass change is dependent on another mass change taking place first, be sure that the second change is not entered until the day after the first change has gone through the nightly processing.


If all of the records from sequence number 00 to 99 have been entered, you will have to delete some of the records in order to add new ones. With proper security, you may delete, add, or change mass change records at any time.

Enter Mass Changes

1.      Type 41 at the FAS Main Menu and press the ENTER key.

Figure 1:  FAS Mass Change Screen

VERSION 3.1          FAS - MASS CHANGE SCREEN                              S041


 FUNCTION:    (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                    


 AGENCY:             SEQUENCE NO:                                              


                     CHANGE FROM:           CHANGE TO:            GEN:         


AGENCY SUFFIX                                                                  

CLASS CODE                                                                    

CLASS CODE SUFFIX                                                             

LOCATION 1                                                                     

LOCATION 2                                                                    

RESP FIRST NAME                                                               

RESP MID INIT                                                                  

RESP LAST NAME                                                                

RISK MGMT BILL CD                                                             

LAST INV DATE                                                                  




2.      Type an R (Recall) in the FUNCTION field.

3.      Type the two-digit Sequence Number (00 - 99) of the record you want to change in the SEQUENCE NO field.  

  • If you need to look for a record to changeType an N (Next) in the FUNCTION field to scroll to the next record.
  • The maximum number of mass changes that can be entered for an agency is 100. Once the changes have processed that night, the old ones can be deleted, and new ones can be entered the next day.

4.      Type a C (Change) in the FUNCTION field.

  • If you are adding a new record, type an A (Add) in the FUNCTION field and enter a new sequence number for that record.

5.      Type a P in the GEN field to create a report (DAFR4590 in Online Reporting) that shows the changes. This will not update to the property file - it will simply "print" the report.  The GEN indicator will become blank after the process runs.

  • If you discover errors after reviewing the report, update the mass change and "print" another report for the next day. Continue this process until the data is correct and you are ready to actually generate the changes.

6. When you are ready to generate the changes, type a G in the GEN field to post to the Property File during the next batch processing cycle. The GEN indicator will become blank after the process runs.

  • If the GEN field is left blank, the transaction will remain in a hold status. Type a G in the GEN field after the data entry is reviewed or approved.

7.      Complete the CHANGE FROM column of the mass change screen. Type in the information as it currently appears. Everything under the CHANGE FROM column identifies the assets that will be changed.

  • If the CHANGE FROM column is left blank, it acts as a wild card and all items meeting the other criteria will be changed to the CHANGE TO entry.

8.      Complete the CHANGE TO column of the mass change screen. Everything under CHANGE TO identifies what the new values will be.

9.     Press F1 to save and this will leave the data fields filled (if you will be entering more mass changes). Otherwise, press the ENTER key to save. If entered properly, a “TRANSACTION SUCCESSFULLY WRITTEN message will be displayed.

Example 1: Changing Class Code and Location 1

In the example below, all records with a Class Code of 3415 and a Location 1 of 00104 are selected for change. During the nightly processing, each property in the FAS Property File that satisfies both of these requirements will be changed to a class code of 3426 and a Location 1 of 00106. NOTE: The Class Code can be changed if within the same Class Code range.


Figure 2:  Example 1 Mass Change Example

VERSION 3.1                 FAS - MASS CHANGE SCREEN                      S041

FUNCTION: N  (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                    


AGENCY: 230         SEQUENCE NO: 10                                           


                    CHANGE FROM:           CHANGE TO:            GEN:    G     


AGENCY SUFFIX                                                                 

CLASS CODE          3415                   3426                               

CLASS CODE SUFFIX                                                             

LOCATION 1          00104                  00106                              

LOCATION 2                                                                     

RESP FIRST NAME                                                               

RESP MID INIT                                                                 

RESP LAST NAME                                                                 

RISK MGMT BILL CD                                                             

LAST INV DATE                                                                 

Example 2: Changing Location 1 and Responsible Last Name

The responsible last name field identifies who is responsible for the asset. In the example below, all records for agency 230 with a location 1 of 99999 and a responsible last name of WHEELER will have the Location 1 changed to 00099 and the responsible last name changed to WITH00099. 


Figure 3:  Example 2 FAS Mass Change Screen

VERSION 3.1          FAS - MASS CHANGE SCREEN                              S041


FUNCTION: N  (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                    


AGENCY: 230         SEQUENCE NO: 03                                            


                    CHANGE FROM:           CHANGE TO:            GEN:   G       


AGENCY SUFFIX                                                                  

CLASS CODE                                                                    

CLASS CODE SUFFIX                                                             

LOCATION 1          99999                  00099                               

LOCATION 2                                                                    

RESP FIRST NAME                                                               

RESP MID INIT                                                                 

RESP LAST NAME      WHEELER                WITH00099                          

RISK MGMT BILL CD                                                             

LAST INV DATE                                                                 



Non-Financial History Inquiry (S039)

The results of the changes processed with the mass change screen can be viewed from the FAS On-line Non-Financial History Inquiry Screen (Screen S039 on the FAS Main Menu). This screen shows which data elements were changed and what the previous values were before those changes were made.

If you wish to see what the current data is for a given property, you can view it from the FAS Property Record Inquiry/Maintenance Screen (S040).

A DAFR4590 Control Report (FAS Non-Financial Change) will automatically be created in Online Reporting when mass changes or any non-financial changes occur.