Dispose of an Asset
An asset may be disposed of in a variety of ways - for example, sale, transfer, trade-in, abandonment, or donation. The purpose of recording the disposition is to:
Examples of disposition transactions include:
For a disposition, FAS automatically credits the STARS General Ledger asset account, removes the accumulated depreciation, and records any resulting gain or loss.Disposed assets will be viewable in the FAS Property Maintenance/Inquiry screen for three years (prior to the current fiscal year). Assets cannot be deleted from FAS; however, three years after disposition, they will be purged from FAS during Fiscal Year End processing.
To complete this type of disposition, select the record in the FAS Hold File, enter the transaction data in the STARS Generated to FAS Data Entry Screen S033, and then release the disposition transaction.
1. At the STARS Main Menu, type F in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.2. Type 32 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER to access the Hold File.3. Type R in theFUNCTION field. 4. If necessary, type your agency number in the AGENCY field first. Most agencies will not have to do this.5. If you do not know the Property and Component Numbers, press ENTER.6. If you know the Property and Component Numbers:
a. Type the Property Number of the asset in the PROPERTY NO field.b. Type the Component Number of the asset in the COMPONENT NO field.c. Press ENTER. The asset will be the first in a list of records.
7. If necessary, type N in the FUNCTION field, then press ENTER until you locate the asset you need.8. Type an S in the FUNCTION field then press TAB until you reach the '_'space in the S/X column, next to the record. (The SRC column will show an S if the record came from STARS or an 'F' if the record originated in FAS.)
1. Verify that the Property Number and Component Number are correct.
2. Review the transaction code in the FAS TC field. It should be S01 – S04. (Interrupt to S030 screen to recall TABLE-ID-NUMBER 15 to review transaction codes).
3. Type one of the following status codes in the STATUS field.
4. Type an S (for Sold) in the DSP MTH field.
5. Type a three digit disposition percentage in the DISP % field.
6. Determine if the disposition date should be entered. ADT Date must be in the current month. It is the date the asset is being processed in FAS.
7. Type the quantity in the QTY field.
8. Press F1 or ENTER to post the record to the FAS Property File.
NOTE: The message depends on whether you type a 'C' or an 'A' in the FUNCTION field.
A person with disposition release authority (i.e., approval level 4 or greater) can process a disposition by doing the following:
1. At the STARS Main Menu, type F in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
2. Type 32 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER to access the Hold File. 3. Type R in the FUNCTION field.4. If necessary, type your agency number in the AGENCY field first. Most agencies will not have to do this.5. If you do not know the Property and Component Numbers, press ENTER. 6. If you know the Property and Component Numbers:
a. Type the Property Number of the asset in the PROPERTY NO fieldb. Type the Component Number of the asset in the COMPONENT NO field.
7. Press ENTER. The asset will be the first in a list of records.8. If necessary, type N in the FUNCTION field, then press ENTER until you locate the asset you need. 9. Type an S in the FUNCTION field then press TAB until you reach the space in the S/X column, next to the record. (The SRC column for the record will show an S if the record came from STARS or an 'F' if the record originated in FAS.)10. Type an S or an X next to in the space next to the record and press F1 or ENTER to open a record.
11. Review the record.
12. Return to the the FAS Main Menu, tand then ytpe F in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
13. Type 32 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER to access the Hold File.
14. Type R in the FUNCTION field.
15. If you do not know the Property and Component Numbers, press ENTER.
16. If you know the Property and Component Numbers: