​Change Funding Sources (Budget Units, Funds)​ On Multiple Assets


When DFM or the Legislature makes changes to agency Budget Units, Funds, or Fund Details, FAS records must be changed to reflect the changes.​

FAS records must be changed, otherwise, transactions (such as depreciation) generated from FAS to STARS with the old funding information will error in STARS. Changes are normally done by State Controller’s Office in July. If changes are not done before July 31, the monthly depreciation transactions will post to the incorrect structure, or the ‘F’ batch will error.

If an agency discovers that several assets have been entered in FAS with incorrect funding information, and:

  • The records all start with the same incorrect funding source
  • The records all are going to the same correct funding source​,

follow the process below.

Agency Process: Notify SCO

An agency must notify the State Controller’s Office (SCO), Accounting Operations at servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov that a funding source needs to be changed on their assets.

​​SCO Processes

The following changes will be performed by SCO Accounting Operations.

The change could be at the Budget Unit, Fund or Fund/Fund Detail level. The change could even be for part of a program which could be at an even lower level. Under those circumstances, it may be better to obtain a list from the agency FAS contact to identify the assets.​

With help from the agency, SCO will identify the assets that are involved.

  • If all of the assets in the original funding source (i.e., Budget Unit/Fund) are to be moved, use IBIS to compile a list of assets.
  • If only some of the assets in the original funding source are to be moved, use a non-funding data element to uniquely identify the assets.  For example, the Responsible Last Name can be “Fund Change”.

Change of Budget Units

If changing Budget Units, compare the old and new Budget Units on the STARS--Budget Unit Table Maintenance/Inquiry (screen S020). Verify that the STATE GOAL and STATE OBJECTIVE are the same for both Budget Units. 

Do not use the Change Funding Source (screen S044) when the Budget Units have different State Goals and State Objectives. If the State Goal and State Objective are different, then a transfer in (FAS TC T1*) and transfer out (FAS TC T0*) must be processed for each record.

Use DAFR8160 or IBIS to Find FUND/GL Balances


Most agencies have a monthly DAFR8160 – Trial Balance by Fund available under STARSMT in Online Reporting

Otherwise, request a DAFR8160 – Trial Balance by Fund STARS report for the agency at the Fund Detail level, or view the monthly report found in STARSMT in Online Reporting

  • Capitalized Assets

For non-proprietary Funds, the capitalized assets and related depreciation are normally in Fund 0700 and will need no adjustments in STARS. If capitalized assets and related depreciation are not in Fund 0700, then adjustments may have to be entered in STARS at the end of the process. Capitalized assets and related depreciation for proprietary funds should remain in the proprietary fund.


On the DAFR8160, check the Fund, Fund/detail(s) involved in the funding change. If the DAFR8160 shows GLs in the 1700 range, then you may neeed to enter adjusting transactions in STARS.


Use an IBIS query under Agency 140/FYE Queries to identify the records involved in the funding source change

You could also create an IBIS report using the STARS General Ledger group in the IBIS menu, as well as a filter on all GLs in the 1700 range, the agency number, and the current fiscal year.

Change Funding Source

After verifying that the STATE GOAL and STATE OBJECTIVE are the same for both the old and the new funding sources, and identifying the related records:

​​1. On the FAS - Main Menu, type 44 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER. FAS will display the FAS – CHANGE FUNDING SOURCES (screen S044).

Figure 1 - Change Funding Sources 


2. Determine the next available sequence number for this agency.

  • ​Type ‘R’ in the FUNCTION field and the three digit agency number in the Agency field.
  • Press ENTER. FAS will display​​ the first record for the agency. If needed, type ‘N’ in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER to display the next available record for the agency.
  • Take note of the sequence number (SEQUENCE NO). Verify the last sequence number for the agency and use the next sequence number.

3. Add a new funding change by typing ‘A’ in the FUNCTION field and the following information.

  • AGENCY - Enter the three digit Agency Number (if not already entered in the field).
  • SEQUENCE NO – Enter the Sequence Number determined previously. 
    • If there is more than one funding source to change, enter all the changes at one time by using a unique sequence number for each. 
    • FAS can process only one sequence number per agency per IEU. 
    • The entry in the GEN (Generate field) determines which Sequence Number will process in the next IEU. 
    • FAS allows a maximum of 99 sequences for funding sources changes. To provide a history of all the changes, leave all previous change records on the system
  • AGY SFX, CLASS CD, SFX, LOC1, LOC2, RESPONSIBLE NAME – FIRST, MID INIT, and LAST – Enter an asterisk (*) in each of these fields. The asterisk indicates that these fields are not used to identify any of the records.
  • COMMENT – Enter a description of the change. FAS provides two (2) lines of sixty-nine spaces each for comments on each change.
  • CHANGE FROM – Enter the BUDGET UNIT, YR, FUND (if needed) and FUND DETAIL (if needed) of the old funding source.
  • CHANGE TO - Enter the BUDGET UNIT, YR, FUND (if needed) and FUND DETAIL (if needed) of the new funding source.
  • GEN – Leave blank if this sequence is not to be processed in the IEU that night. The GEN field is left blank only if there are multiple funding source changes to be completed.

4.  Verify that all the necessary information is entered correctly, then press F1 to post the record and keep the information displayed on the screen. Pressing ENTER will also post the record, but will display a blank screen.

5.   Verify that the Fixed Asset Mass Change/Funding flag setting is ‘Y  Y’ on the – STARS System Management S097 Screen.

  • ​On the STARS Main Menu type ‘S’ for Systems Management in the FUNCTION field and then press ENTER.  Type ‘97’ in the FUNCTION field for System Management Table and then press ENTER.  Except for the fiscal year end processing weekend, the Fixed Asset Mass Change/Funding flag is always set to ‘Y  Y.’
  • FAS can only process one sequence per IEU per agency.
  • If this sequence is to process in the IEU that night, enter ‘P’ (for Preliminary). The ‘P’ tells FAS to generate preliminary DAFR2731 and DAFR2732 reports that show the results if the records processed based on the changes that were entered.
  • Agency personnel with a security level of '1' in the FAS Change Funding field will be able to create Preliminary Proof Reports, provided the System Management Table flag is set to ‘Y’.
  • During the nightly IEU, the preliminary reports will print, and the GEN indicator will automatically change to a 'W' (Waiting for user verification). 

After the IEU runs, the GEN field displays a ‘W’ (for Wait), and the preliminary reports are available both in hardcopy and in Online Reporting under SYSID of FFINCL. Compare the results in these reports with the IBIS query and/or the original asset list from the agency.

  • If the changes were originally requested by the agency, notify the agency Fiscal Officer or FAS contact that the DAFR2731 and DAFR2732 are available in Online Reporting and are ready for their review.
  • If the agency Fiscal Officer (or designee) does not like or approve of the results on the preliminary reports, they must provide new screening criteria. When this happens, change the criteria and reset the GEN field back to a 'P'.
  • If the changes were identified as part of the fiscal year end structure change, DSA Ops can compare and verify the results. 

After approval from the agency Fiscal Officer (or designee), or after the results have been verified as being correct, the changes can be generated:

1. ​Recall the Change Funding Source (screen S044).  

2. Type ‘C’ for change in the FUNCTION field.

3 Type ‘G’ for Generate in the GEN field. 

  • ​FAS will not allow entry of a ‘G’ in the GEN field unless it already shows a ‘W’.  If a user attempts to enter a ‘G’ and presses ENTER before the IEU is run, and the GEN field changed to ‘W’, the system displays the error message ‘AJ25 INVALID GEN IND NOW.

The IEU updates the Property File Records and generates one (1) copy of the DAFR 2731 – FAS Change Funding Sources Detail Report and two (2) copies of the DAFR 2732 - FAS Change Funding Sources Summary Report. 

Send the DAFR2731 – FAS Change Funding Sources Detail Report and one (1) copy of the DAFR2732 – FAS Change Funding Sources Summary Report to the agency for their records.

Accounting Operations receives the second copy of the DAFR2732 – FAS Change Funding Sources Detail Report. This report shows the changes that may be needed in the STARS General Ledger accounts. You can run a current month DAFR 8160 - Trial Balance for the agency to verify how and where the asset and depreciation changes have posted during this process.

The IEU also changes the GEN field from ‘G’ for Generate to ‘A’ for Archived or Already completed. Once FAS displays the ‘A’ in the GEN field, the Comment field is the only field that will accept changes.

Run an IBIS report described earlier. IBIS should now report that no records are available in the old funding source. If there are, research and resolve.

Verify any necessary General Ledger entries. (Depreciation may be off due to variations in the rounding process for older assets.) Forward changes to Reporting & Review for communication and input regarding ACFR impact. 

Make the correcting entries to the General Ledgers (or request that they be made). Verify at month end that the depreciation and the asset are correct on the DAFR8160 - Trial Balance for the agency.

After the funding source changes are complete, use the FAS PROPERTY RECORD MAINTENANCE/INQUIRY (screen s040) to change all the records back to the original information. If necessary, add an end date to any entries in the descriptor tables.

FAS Generated Reports

DAFR 2731 – FAS Change Funding Sources Detail Report. FAS generated at end of Change Funding Source process in either preliminary (P) mode or generate change (G) mode. Provides an itemized listing of records to be changed that shows before and after versions for funding and Budget Units.


DAFR 2732 – FAS Change Funding Sources Summary Report. FAS generated at end of Change Funding Source process in either preliminary (P) mode or generate change (G) mode.  Provides a before and after summary of totals for asset amount and accumulated depreciation amount by Budget Unit, Asset Class, and Fund. The DAFR 2732 is the backup documentation for entering adjustments (if needed) in the STARS General Ledger Accounts. 

STARS Adjustments by SCO

If the funding change does not involve a proprietary Fund/Dtl, and all of the moved assets are recorded in Fund 0700 – Capital Asset Fund, then no STARS adjustments should be necessary.  If a proprietary fund is involved, then the related 1700 series GLs may need to be adjusted from the original funding source to the new funding source, along with GL 3202 (Unrestricted Net Assets) and GL 4600 (GAAP Expenses). Keep in mind that only capitalized assets (those over $5,000.00) post to the 1700 series GLs. If the move only involves assets with an original amount under $5,000.00, then no adjustments should be necessary - even if a proprietary fund is involved.


  1. Move the Asset amount

TC 315R – Reduces the Asset GL in the original funding source

TC 315 – Increases the Asset GL in the new funding source

  1. Move the prior year accumulated depreciation

TC 314R – Reduces the Asset GL in the original funding source

TC 314 – Increases the Asset GL in the new funding source

The amount used here is the Accumulated Depreciation minus the current year GAAP expenses GL of 4600 which should be the current year depreciation.

  1. Move GL 3202 – Unrestricted Net Assets amount

TC 314R – Reduces the GL 3202 in the original funding source

TC 314 – Increases the GL 3202 in the new funding source

  1. Move current year accumulated depreciation found in GL 4600

TC 8FGR – Reduces the GL 4600 in the original funding source

TC 8FG – Increases the GL 4600 in the new funding source (if proprietary), or
TC 8GG - Increases the GL 4600 in the new funding source (if non-proprietary and recorded in Fund 0700).