Purpose: Agency Maintain Users have the ability to add reports for new and existing users in Online Reporting. To do this, the Agency Maintain User must first assign the SYSIDs and Authority.
Maintaining a user:
1. From the Welcome screen, select 'User Maintenance'.
2. From the User Maintenance Menu screen select 'User Maintenance by User'.
3. On the left corner of the page select 'Find New User' or find the user on the ‘User Maintenance by User’ list that is displayed.
4. Enter the last name or first name in the User Lookup box and select 'Find'.
Note: Agencies cannot change the agency code field.
5. Choose the blue 'Select' button next to the employee for whom you would like to grant, maintain, or update, access.
6. This action will bring you to the 'User Maintenance by User' screen displaying the user name and agency.
7. Select the 'Edit' button next to the SYSID(s) you would like to add (this will expand the table).
8. Checkmark the 'View Reports' and click Save.
Note: Edit, Save, and assigning Authority will have to be done for each SYSID that needs to be added to the user.
9. Once SYSID(s) have been added 'Report' will display next to each assigned SYSID. Select 'Report' to add specific reports in each SYSID.
10. A new screen 'Report Assignment Maintenance' will open. Reports can be added by selecting 'View Unassigned Reports', 'Select Report to Assign', or by 'Duplicate an Existing User'.
Once a method of assigning reports has been completed for a user, the list of reports assigned to them, along with their permissions will be displayed and the user report set up is complete.