Entering Time as a Time Entry Assistant (TEA)

Time Entry Assistant (TEA) - is a person who is designated to enter time for one or more Time Entry Location (TELs). They have the ability to enter their own time and create time sheets for the designated employees and/or Time Entry Location (TELs).
An employee cannot enter their own time when 'Yes' is selected for 'Time Not entered by employee, Signed time sheet on file?' on the I-Time profile.  A TEA must enter time for the employee.  The employee will only be able to view their time sheet as a read only document after time has been entered by a TEA.  If the Time Entry Location (TEL) is set up to have all time entered by a Time Entry Assistant (TEA) the employee profiles in that TEL will all need to be set to 'Yes'.
To enter time for an employee or Time Entry Location (TEL):
Entering Time
I.              Click the 'Review Time Sheet' button in the left hand navigation screen.
II.             Select All or a Specific Time Entry Location (TEL) from the drop-down list.
III.            Time sheets will display in Alpha order by Time Entry Location (TEL).
IV.           Find the employee and choose Create/View Time Sheet.
The employee's time sheet will open where time can be entered.  For specific time entry instructions, follow the appropriate link below.
Note: If the time sheet has been created and submitted by another user (but not approved) and the TEA opens it, the TEA will need to click 'Edit' at the top of the time sheet. They will then be required to enter a comment prior to editing. If the TEA has submitted the time sheet (and it has not been approved), it will automatically be in edit mode when opened.
Follow these links for:
When an employee has their time sheet completed by a TEA and has a position change after the time sheet has been created and saved, the time sheet review will look similar to the image shown below.

 The following message is displayed when the TEA re-opens the time sheet.

Employees who are terminating or changing positions will have a 'POS Term Date' displayed in red and time cannot be entered after that date.

If the employee's profile is set to 'Y' and their time is entered by a Time Entry Assistant (TEA) on a regular or ongoing basis, there will not be a submit button, instead there will be an 'Approve' button. The 'Approve' button acts like the 'Submit' button and will put the time sheet in a status of 'Awaiting Approval by Approver' .

Note:  When the 'Approve' option is used, there should be a hard copy of the time sheet that is maintained at the agency for audit purposes and has the employees signature on it.  In the employee signature portion of the time sheet, the following is an example of the verbiage used.

When the employee returns and needs to enter their own time, they will be required to sign all unsigned time sheets. Use this link for information on Unsigned Time Sheets
For report information use the link below.