Cost Distribution Time Entry

Cost Distribution Time Sheets will look similar to the one shown below.  Time sheets will vary depending on the agency I-Time structure and which accounting options are used.
From the left hand navigation, under enter time, employees will be able to choose from the current pay period or twenty five (25) additional pay periods.  To enter time for a different pay period, click on the down arrow and select the correct time frame.

The following employee information is displayed at the top of the time sheet.
Pay period and pay date
Employee name
Pay location and position
TEL name
Employee class title
Current leave balances will also be displayed.  When coding leave, do not enter more hours than are available.
Agencies may allow their employees to use the Leave/Overtime Request from the opened time sheet.  The Create Leave/Overtime Request link will not be visible if the agency chooses not to use it.
The time sheet for an employee with 'Cost Accounting' marked 'Yes' on their I-Time profile will load as shown below.  In the example below, the agency uses Index and Project for 'Cost Accounting'.

Comments: Comments can be added by clicking on the add comments link.  A text box will open, the number of characters allowed is unlimited and there is no spell check.  Once a comment is saved it cannot be removed.
Click on the first line of time where it asks for Time Code
Selecting a time code can be done by:
Typing the time code in (type ahead feature is in place)
By clicking the down arrow and selecting from the list  
For additional information on what the time codes represent, click the small down arrow to the right of the time code.  A box with descriptions will be displayed as shown in the image below. Highlight and click Select.

Tab to the first day and enter the number of hours to report. 
You can enter 8 or 8.0, if you enter 8 and press tab key, the system will enter it as 8.0.  The system will only accept one decimal place.  If you enter 4.25 hours, 4.2 will be displayed; the last character will be dropped.  If more than 24.0 hours is entered into a field (unless using time codes CPP, OCP, RHP, SFT or VCP), the following error message will be displayed.

When 'OK' is clicked, the field will be cleared and a number of hours equal to or less than 24 may be entered.  Employees eligible for a payoff may enter more than 24.0 hours in a field when using Time Codes CPP, OCP, RHP, SFT or VCP.  When entering more than 24 hours using these time codes, the following warning message will be displayed. "WARNING: You Have Entered More Than 24 hrs For One Day"
Click 'OK' to continue.
Continue entering time and tabbing through each day, entering the hours for that time code.  The hours will total at the end of the row and the bottom of each column. 
Tab past the 'Total' for the row and enter an Index, PCA, Grant or Project, if needed.  If these fields are left blank, they will default to the distribution of the PCN.  When overriding the existing distribution, there are not any defaults and all fields must be coded.
Note:  Health and Welfare time sheets will load displaying one line of ACT time for each PCA an employee has.
Selecting an PCA, Index, Grant or Project can be entered by:
Typing the number in (type ahead feature is in place)
By clicking the down arrow and selecting from the list  
For additional information on what the codes represent, click the small down arrow to the right.  A box with descriptions will be displayed as shown in the image below.  Highlight and click Select.

Additional lines of time:
Tab to the next line to enter additional types of time or more distributions for the type of time previously entered. 
Select the Time Code from the drop-down list.
 A time code can appear on multiple lines to allow for distribution to more than one Index, PCA, Grant and/or Project.
A few of the common codes are:
ACT - Actual Hours Worked
VAC - Vacation Leave Taken
SIC - Sick Leave Taken
HOL - Holiday Pay (State Holidays will be identified by a red box on the day you should enter these hours.) There are different Time codes if you work on the holiday depending on your FLSA codes.
CPT - Comp Time Taken
Note:  If an employee codes more leave than is in their available balance, the payroll system uses defaults to ensure the employee has exhausted all applicable leave balances before converting to leave without pay.
Use this link for a complete list of Time Codes and Leave Defaults.
When all time is entered for week one, click on week two and repeat the time entry process.

Total Hours:
Hours for both weeks will be totaled under week two

Override fields can be changed.

Override fields cannot be changed.

The Override Indicators can be used to change (override) an employee's record for a single pay period (the pay period they are entering time for). The override fields cannot be changed unless the employee is eligible to accrue Overtime, receive pay for RHH and be eligible for Shift pay. 
Employees that are eligible for shift pay can override their 'Shift' indicator.  An Approver, a Time Entry Assistant (TEA), and the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) can override both the 'Overtime' and 'Shift’ indicators.  A numeric value must be entered to override the first week, second week or both weeks.
Note:  The time sheet for an 'H' hourly employee with a FLSA code 'B', 'D', 'J' or 'Q' will show the OVT field as editable.  If the CPO updates this field to something other than 'N', the employee's time will error when payroll is processed.
Submitting your time:
You have the option to:

Save – Will save what you currently have entered and will allow you to enter time, make changes or add comments later.
Submit – Will submit the time sheet as it is, and send to the Approver, Reviewer or the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) .  After a time sheet has been submitted you will still be able to make changes until the review is complete or the time sheet has been approved.
Comments – An employee can add comments to their own time sheet.  A CPO can also add comments to the employes time sheet.
Reset – Will not save any current changes it will reset the time sheet to the last time it was saved.  If a time sheet has never been saved the time sheet will return to its original blank form. 
Status At the bottom of the page there is a status section that will allow you to view your time sheet and know where it is in the approval process.  The status section will look like the picture below.

Information on the Status Fields:
Status will be
            Awaiting Approval by Approver
            Awaiting Approval by Reviewer
            Awaiting Completion by CPO
            Awaiting Release
When payroll is processed, time sheets will be moved to the Archive database, unless the documents do not have either an employee or an approver's signature.  Unsigned documents will be removed when the process for this pay period is complete.
Logging Off:
Click 'Log Off' in the lower left hand corner
If you need to go to another SCO application, click on the Applications Menu.