Purpose: Assigning Permissions will allow reports to be viewed agency wide or by pay location only. In order for a user to see a report, permissions must be assigned. Permissions can also be assigned by duplicating an existing users assignments/permissions.
1. From the Welcome screen, select 'User Maintenance'.
2. From the User Maintenance Menu screen select 'User Maintenance by User'.
3. On the left corner of the page select 'Find New User' or find the user on the ‘User Maintenance by User’ list that is displayed.
Note: If selecting an employee from the User Maintenance by User list the expand [+] next to ‘SELECT’ can be selected to display the indicated employees SYSID assignments and authority level.
4. Enter a last name or first name in the User Lookup box and select 'Find'.
Note: Agencies cannot change the agency code field.
5. Choose the blue 'Select' button next to the to employee whom you are granting access. If the user selected has not been added to online reporting select 'Add User'.
6. Select 'Report' next to the SYSID that you would like to assign/update permissions for.
7. From the 'Report Assignment Maintenance' screen various selections can be made.
8. To add, edit, or delete an employee's permission for a specific report select the expand [+] below the permissions column.
9. For pay locations, enter at least one location in the first field and select ‘Save’. To add more than one pay location to a report select 'Add' after each additional pay location.
Note: To give an employee access to ALL pay locations within your agency use an * (asterisk) in the pay location box.
10. When all required pay locations have been to the users permissions, assigning pay locations to additional reports can be completed by selecting ‘Assign to All Reports’ which will duplicate the selected report pay location to all reports in the SYSID.