Purpose: Evaluates all employees (active and termed) to determine average ACA monthly hours for the Standard Look-back period. Employees who averaged 30 or more service hours per week (130 or more per month) during the measurement period are considered full time for ACA and must be offered Tier 1 insurance for the stability period.
Employees reporting 'Y' in the Chg Req field must be updated to Tier 1 (see instructions below).
Frequency: Annual (in May)
Number of versions
Length of Archive
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Messages listed on report:
Employee has been determined to be ACA full time and is required to be offered Tier 1 insurance.
N: Employee was measured in the previous Standard Period and was not Full-Time
N: Employee was measured in the Standard Period and was not Full-Time
N: Employee was measured in the Initial Period and was not Full-Time.
Employee will continue their Initial Period. At the end of their Initial Period they will then be moved to the Standard Stability period.
When they have completed their initial stability period, they will be reported on payroll report ACA Payroll Actions Report A-444991.
Employee was measured less than ACA full time during the standard lookback period.
If applicable, employee may be removed from Tier 1 insurance by:
N: Employee was measured in the previous Standard Period and was not FT