Working with Another Employees Time Sheet

Other employee’s time sheets can be accessed from the 'Review'.  Depending on your designated employee role or type, which should be closely related to the functions you can perform, there would be differences in: how you access the review and what options you have available.  Access to time sheets, what functions are available and how or if a time sheet will open to an edit mode, are dependent on many variables.
  • These options will depend on:
  • Who created the time sheet and who last signed the time sheet
  • The status of the time sheet
  • How the employee profile is set up
  • How the Time Entry Location is set up
  • What stage payroll processing is in for the agency and for DSP
It would be extremely difficult to document every situation without causing extreme confusion.  In the following section the instructions will be general, variances will be discussed if they are relatively simple and links will be provided for detailed information that is dependent on the items listed above, such as user role, status and profile.