View, Print Your Time Sheet

Employees will only have the View/Print Time Sheet option.  Approvers, Reviewers, Time Entry Assistants (TEAs) and the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) will also have the capability of printing time sheets for themselves and also their employees.
Note:  If a Time Entry Location (TEL) has been deleted, only the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) will be able to retrieve the time sheets.
Mouse over the 'View/Print Reports option on the left hand side of the screen.
Click on
A screen similar to the one shown below will be displayed with the employees name and PCN listed.
Approvers, Reviewers, Time Entry Assistants (TEAs) and the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) will also have an option to select from either Active or Terminated employees.

Employees will have the options of printing their own time sheets.
Time Sheets will be grouped in six month increments, as shown below.  The time frame must be selected by highlighting the correct archive.
The type of time sheet you wish to print must be selected from the drop down menu shown below.  You can choose Employee Time Sheet or Blank Time Sheet.
Employee Time Sheet will display the time sheet for pay period that was selected.
Blank Time Sheets can be generated for multiple employees for one or more pay periods.

Pay Period – Select from the following options to select the pay period to be reported.
Note: System defaults to the current pay period.  Only one pay period may be selected per report, except when working with Blank Time Sheets.
    If more than one is selected an error message will appear.

When all options are selected click 'Continue' and a report similar to the one shown below will be displayed.

If more than one archived time sheet exists for a specific pay period the employee will have to choose which one they want to open.  When they press continue they will get a screen similar to the one shown below.