Time Sheet Statuses

Time sheets will not have a status until some action has been taken, such as 'Save' or 'Submit'.  The status of the time sheet, and whether or not the pay period has been closed, will determine where a time sheet can be located within I-time.
General Statuses
Completed time sheet in the archive database.
Awaiting Approval by Approver
Employee has signed the time sheet and it is waiting for Approval.
Awaiting Approval by Reviewer
Employee has signed the time sheet and it is waiting for Review by a designated Reviewer.
Awaiting Completion by CPO
Employee and Approver/CPO have signed the time sheet.
Awaiting Release
The submit on the payroll processing screen has been pushed and the time sheet is awaiting upload by DSP.
A time sheet retrieved from the archive database that has been deleted and will return to the archive database when payroll is done.
Deleted 'Invalid PCN'
The Central Payroll Officer has changed the status of a 'Draft', 'Submitted' or 'Archived' time sheet to 'Deleted' because the position was invalid for the current pay period. 
Disapproved-Pending Employee Action
In the current/working database and if no action is taken, they will roll to the archive when the payroll done flag is done.
Time sheet does not have an employee signature and has not been submitted, or the time sheet was retrieved from the archive database for correction.
Time sheets in the archive from a prior pay period, that were either in awaiting approval, awaiting completion or awaiting release status.
Marked for No Time this Pay Period
Employee's I-Time Profile has been Marked for No Time.
Time sheets have been uploaded but have not been archived.  This is displayed for DSP and is not a status the agency would see.
The time sheet was Retrieved after the upload because it needs a correction.
​ Week One Approved​  Time sheet has been approved for week one processing. Used by Department of Labor.