Reviewing and Approving Leave or Overtime Requests

The agency Central Payroll Officer (CPO), Approvers, Reviewers and Time Entry Assistants (TEAs) will have a Review Request Actions button in the left navigation frame, if their agency is using the online Leave/Overtime Request.

Note:  Reviewers have 'Read Only' access to all Leave/Overtime Requests with no 'Edit' capabilities.  Time Entry Assistants [TEAs] cannot Approve or Deny Leave/Overtime Requests. 


When the 'Review Request Actions' button is clicked, the Review Request Actions selection page will open.  Leave/Overtime Requests can be chosen by Time Entry Location (TEL) or by Employee.

All employees within a TEL can be displayed by choosing only that TEL from the drop-down list.

When a TEL is selected from the 'Review Requests by Employee', only the employees in that TEL will be shown in the drop-down list.

After the TEL or employee has been selected, click 'Continue' at the top of the Review Request Actions page.  The page will display all current and future Leave/Overtime Requests based on the selection criteria.  If no requests have been created for an employee, 'No Requests Found' will be displayed in the review.  Requests can be opened by clicking on the color coded status links.

Each color represents a different Request status.

Leave requests can also be accessed by clicking the 'Review Time Sheet' button, selecting a TEL and 'Continue'.  Time sheets for the selected TEL will be shown with the same 'Leave Request' link as in the 'Review Request Actions' view.

The Leave/Overtime Request can be opened and action taken from the 'Review Time Sheet' view or the 'Review Request Actions' view.  The Leave/Overtime Request must be approved before the employee can submit their time sheet.