A variety of reports can be generated in Payment Services to provide you with information about your agency’s invoice transactions. Reports can be generated based upon a variety of criteria. Two options are presented on the Reports screen: Invoice and Audit. Audit reports are generated only in PDF format. They show the approval history of an invoice – for each invoice the approver’s names and approval levels that have been completed will be displayed. Invoice Reports can be generated in PDF, .txt, or .csv file formats.
1. Select and/or enter the criteria for which you want to generate a report.
Figure 1 - Report criteria
2. If desired, select Show Invoice Detail (PDF only) to have invoice detail appear on PDF reports. NOTE: This option is not available on Audit reports.
3. If desired, select an option in the Sort Options section. Reports can be sorted by: Invoice #, Req Pmt Date, Effective Date, Vendor #, etc. This option is not available on Audit reports.
4. Click either PDF Report, TXT Report, or CSV Report. Reports are then generated and displayed in PDF, text, or comma separated value (CSV) format. NOTE: Audit reports are generated only in PDF.