​Reading Your W-2 Wage and Tax Statement

When your State of Idaho W-2 Wage & Tax Statement opens, the following banner will be displayed above the form.  The buttons on this banner will help you navigate through your Form W-2.

APPS MENU - Returns you to the Application Selection Menu.
HELP - Opens the Payroll and Personnel Guide where the W-2 Wage & Tax Statement page can be selected for more information about W-2s.
LOGOFF - Returns you to the SCO home page.
Remove Consent - Will take you to the Acceptance/Withdraw Disclosure Statement


W-2 Home – Returns you to the main W-2 page containing links to W-2s and W-2 Instructions for up to 5 years.

     The following image is an example of an employees' current Form W-2.



If you do not have a State of Idaho Form W-2 you will receive the following message: