Purging Grant Financial Information
There are two purge indicators (PI) on the Grant Control Table Maintenance/Inquiry (Screen 29):
The final purge process does not look at the end date on the Grant Control Table Maintenance /Inquiry Screen. A purge indicator of 'Y' is the first purge criteria. Do not set the indicator to 'Y' until you are sure that you are completely through with the Grant, and have no need for either the online information or additional reports. The final purge process looks for the 'Y' purge indicators, then runs through the various edits, and then either purges the record or retains it with explanations. If a Grant is purged in error, SCO will not re-establish the financial information in STARS. However, the information is still available in IBIS. Contact servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov for guidance.
Ask the following questions: