Other Earnings

Other Earnings 
Purpose: Other earnings actions allow employees to receive compensation not related to hours worked.  Examples of compensation not related to hours worked are bonuses, lump sum payments and moving allowances.
Note: Comments should be entered on all IPOPS Payroll actions for auditing purposes.  The Division of Financial Management (DFM) and the Division of Human Resources (DHR) may require specific information for certain actions. Use this link for more information on Comments.  
Fields that are mandatory will have yellow font and must be completed before the document can be submitted or sent to the next reviewer/approver.
EFFECTIVE DATE: Select effective date from the drop-down list.
The date that appears in this field will be the pay period begin date for the first pay period that has not yet processed.  You can also click on the drop-down list and choose from twelve (12) future pay period begin dates. Effective date chosen should be the pay period begin date of the payroll the other earnings is to be processed on.
Permanent Record Information: (Mandatory) Enter information pertaining to this action. This information will be transferred to IBIS into the Employee Earnings reporting group.
Note: The other earnings form only allows for two rows of information. If you need more rows for multiple earnings codes or for multiple distributions, you will need to complete an additional form.
PCN:  (Mandatory) The employee's Position Control Number (PCN) will automatically populate, unless they are active in more than one PCN.  When the employee is active in more than one PCN, an additional window will open and the PCN must be chosen from the drop-down list.  The action will receive an error if the PCN is entered by the user and not chosen from the drop-down list. If the employee is in multiple PCNs, separate other earnings forms should be processed for each PCN.
EARN CODE:  (Mandatory) Select the earnings code either from the drop-down list or by typing the first character of the code. If you want to see the earnings code and description, select the blue check mark.
Earnings codes available on IPOPS that are not related to hours (paid in one pay period).
  • Some earnings codes are valid for specific agencies. IPOPS will edit for these earnings codes when the document is created.
  • Upon submit the document will be edited for valid earnings code and employee type combinations. For additional information see Earnings Codes.
  • When using earnings codes 'REC', 'REN', 'STC' or 'TSM', a current performance evaluation with the status of APS, SS or EX is required for classified employees.
  • Earnings codes 'MOV' and 'TFB' will not be processed if the employee is not being paid wages on the same payroll.  These codes will also error if the employee is only being paid a generated leave payoff (ZCP, ZEP, ZVP) and/or any non-working hours such as FML, HOA, LWO, MDS, MOV, RHH, TFB and TXL.
GROSS AMOUNT(Mandatory) If a whole number is entered as the amount, zero(s) after the decimal will automatically be generated (if 10 is entered, it will become 10.00 in the amount, 10 will become 10.0 in the hours).
HOURS:  This field is only used by the Judicial Branch to pay their court reporters a lump sum monthly amount and show the credited state service hours that are added to the employee's PERSI retirement account.
The Index/PCA/Grant and Project will default to the existing distribution on the position, unless they are overridden in the following fields.  When overriding the existing distribution, there are not any defaults and all fields must be coded.
To override Index/PCA/Grant and Project
Index:  Select from the drop-down list, by typing in the number or by clicking on the blue check mark under the Index field.  Only the allowable indexes for your agency will be displayed.
PCA:  Select from the drop-down list, by typing in the number or by clicking on the blue check mark  under the PCA field.  Only the allowable PCAs for your agency will be displayed.
Grant:  Select from the drop-down list, by typing in the number or by clicking on the blue check mark under the Grant field. Only the allowable grants for your agency will be displayed. 
Project:  Select from the drop-down list, by typing in the number or by clicking on the blue check mark under the Project field.  Only the allowable projects for your agency will be displayed.
Note: You may see a 'click to view' in a field for either of two reasons.
1. This indicates that an additional screen will need to be displayed to accommodate the number of Index's, PCAs, Grants or Projects allowed for your agency.
2. There are not any codes to be displayed.
SEND TO:  After all information is entered, select an approver from the drop-down list and press send.  You will get a message that the document was successfully sent or a warning/error message.
For information on the Payroll Approval Cycle
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