No Time Entered This Pay Period

If the Marked for No Time indicator is 'Yes' on the I-Time profile, a check box will be displayed at the top of the employee's time sheet.  An Approver, Employee, Time Entry Assistant (TEA) or the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) can clear the No Time Entered this Pay Period check box and complete the time sheet.  When an employee reports time, the 'No Time Entered this Pay Period' check box must be de-selected.  Once a time sheet is submitted, that employee will be reported on all Time Reporting Reports.  Employees that are 'Marked for No Time' - YES, and do not submit a time sheet, will only be displayed on the Employees Marked for No Time report.
When the No Time Entered this Pay Period is checked, time cannot be entered.

The Reset 'No Time' switch from the review will allow an Approver, Time Entry Assistant (TEA) or the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) to open the time sheet, clear the No Time Entered this Pay Period check box and complete the time sheet.  The Reset 'No Time' switch will only appear in the review if the No Time Entered this Pay Period remains checked on the time sheet and a 'Save' is done.

 Time sheets marked for 'No Time Entered this Pay Period', will be excluded from the payroll processing count as long as that employee time sheet has not been opened.  Once a time sheet has been opened it is considered a temporary document and will be counted as an uncompleted time sheet on the Payroll Authorization Form.

Tip - If an employee will be submitting a time sheet each pay period, the CPO should change the employee's I-Time Profile to 'Marked for No Time' - NO.