System Integration Testing 1 & 2
System Integration Testing is a cycle testing cycle that the Luma project team will utilize to test business processes work as designed across integrated forms, reports, interfaces, and data conversions within Luma. The intention of different testing cycles allows the team to test discrete functionality first, then progress through to end-to-end business scenario testing.
System Integration Testing (SIT) 1 & 2 will begin fall 2020. SIT will involve agency personnel and seeks to test the end to end functionality of the Luma system including all Forms, Reports, Integrations, Conversions, Enhancements, Workflows, COA build-outs, and configurations. It attempts to confirm that the system performs as designed.
Agencies were selected to participate in System Integration Testing Cycle 1 based on the following set of criteria:
As the Luma project team continues into the System Integration Testing Cycle 2 more agencies will be included in testing. This ramp-up of participation will continue into User Acceptance Testing.