Legislative Appointments

Due to the dates of their term, all Representatives and Senators must be hired effective December 1, regardless of the current pay period begin date.  They will receive their first payment of the term on the second pay date in December.  Refer to the Legislators Salary Disbursement policy for more information. 
  • The 'Adjusted Contract Amount' and 'Override' fields are not required. 
  • Although the effective date is not a pay period begin date, 80 hours will be generated for the second pay date in December.
  • Legislators do not accrue CSS hours.
When hiring Representatives and Senators in IPOPS, the fields will be entered as follows: 
Effective DateDecember 1, 20XX
Appointment Type NEL, NGL
Suffix CodeN
Work TypeFE
Class Code90060 - Representatives 90070 - Senators
PP Hours80.0
Rate IndA
Time Sheet ReqN
Rate/SalaryRefer to the most recent 'Citizen's Committee on Legislative Compensation'
Unemployment IndN
Substitute Legislators
Substitute legislators shall not be entitled to reimbursement of unvouchered expenses, and should not be hired onto the payroll system.  They shall be entitled to reimbursement of vouchered expensed which would be processed through the STARS accounting system. 

For any current state employee who is elected to the legislature, they may still continue to be employed with their current agency. However the employee must NOT be paid by the original state agency during the time the legislature is in session.