A blank space is not allowed in the first byte of the Email Address field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
A dash is not allowed in the first byte of the Email Address field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
A valid email address is required. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Action on Checking is a required field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Action on Savings is a required field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Are you sure you want to Decline adding a secondary email? Select OK to continue, Cancel to return to the form.
Are you sure you want to turn off all Direct Deposits? (Press Ok to Continue).
At least one field must be changed on the D1 400 transaction.
Applies to change reason MW.
At least one transaction effective date must be chosen.
CAUTION! Verify Social Security Number is correct. Employee Last name, gender, and birthdate are an exact match for a record that already exists on the employee file. (XXXX X XXXXX)
Certification of Insurance Offered does not match the Tier Level. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Change Reason 'AX' is invalid when an active position is found statewide.
Change Reason 'CF' can only be used on D1 400 transaction when the appointment type is equal to 'NRF'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Change Reason 'CZ' may only be used when rate indicator is Annual. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Change reason 'MD' is valid only when 'MC' is in effect. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Change reason must be selected.
Change Reason 'XX' is invalid. Criteria have not been met for a valid transfer. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Change Reason 'XX' is invalid when an employee is found on the Term File.
Change Reason 'XX' may be used by specific agencies only. For additional information please click on the Help button.
'CPP' code not valid for employee with FLSA code = 'A' and employee type = 'R'. Please refer to Help for more information.
Current performance evaluation is required to submit completion of probation. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Deduction Code is a required field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Document has been successfully submitted. If you are a current employee, go to Views in Self-Service to review this document. If you have questions regarding this form, please contact Statewide Payroll at 208-334-3100.
Email Address is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Employee's age of '-1' is less than 12 and not eligible for hire. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Employee is in only one position and is not eligible to Vacate One Position. Please select Separate Employment.
Employee XXXXXXXXX is not active. For additional information on this error click on your Help button or contact the DSP Help Desk.
Error: Cannot Submit while a Send To name is selected. To send the request on for internal approval, click on the [Send] button. To submit the request directly to mainframe bypassing internal approval, clear the Send To box and click on the [Submit] button.
FLSA, appointment type, leave code combination is invalid. For additional information please click on the Help button.
For Appointment type NRN, the Rate must be 0.00 and the Suffix equal to Head of Agency.
For Appointment type NRN, the Rate must be 0.00 and the Suffix equal to Head of Agency. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Generated transaction error. Please click 'Back to Previous Page' and resubmit the action.
In order to use 'CE' on D1 400 transaction the employee's schedule must be equal to 'H'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
In order to use 'CX' the employee's current jurisdiction must equal 'N'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
In order to use 'MC' the either the FLSA Code or the Leave Code must be entered
Applies to change reason MC.
In order to use 'PO' on D1 400 transaction the incoming schedule grade 'XX' must be greater than the current schedule grade 'XX'.
In order to use Change Reason 'PS' on D1 400 transaction the employee's current pay rate indicator 'X' must equal 'H'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Applies to change reason PS.
In order to use 'TF' on D1 transaction the employee's current jurisdiction must equal 'C'.
In order to use 'XX' on D1 400 transaction the employee's schedule must be equal to 'H'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
In order to use 'XX' on D1 400 transaction the incoming schedule grade 'XX' must be greater than the current schedule grade. For additional information please click on the Help button.
In order to use 'XX' on D1 400 transaction the incoming schedule grade 'XX' must be less than the current schedule grade 'XX'.
In order to use 'XX' on D1 400 transaction the incoming schedule grade 'XX' must equal the current schedule grade 'XX'.
In order to use 'XX' on D1 400 transaction the incoming schedule grade must be less that the current schedule grade. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Invalid amount in Contract Hldbck%, format should equal .99999
Invalid Bank Code ######## on row # of the Direct Deposit section (Blue screen error)
Invalid day entered in Birthdate.
Invalid format in Rate_1 field. Must have leading integers of 7 and 2 decimal places.
Leave Code with the Last character equal to 'X' is not allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Leave Code with the Last character equal to 'Y' is not allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Leave Code with the Last character equal to 'Z' is not allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Life Plan is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Limit amount #### must be greater than the inception to date amount ####. For additional information, please click the Help button.
Month is Invalid, must be between 01 and 12.
Must have at least one 'Partial' when no 'Full' is selected.
No employee record with SSN XXXXXXXXX found in agency XXX.
No records found for change reason XX and position type XX. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Only the R2 retirement plan is valid when the employee is active at another agency with a retirement plan of R2. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Override End Date of MM/DD/YYYY, must be less than current Override End Date of MM/DD/YYYY. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Override End Date of MM/DD/YYYY on transaction D1 400 must be greater than the Transaction Effective Date of MM/DD/YYYY.
Override End Date of MM/DD/YYYY on transaction D1 400 must be greater than Override Start Date of MM/DD/YYYY.
Pay Location must be chosen.
Permanent Record Information is required. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Please fill in the D1 400 transaction before filling in the D2 or D3 400 transaction.
Please verify the employee's FICA Indicator is equal to 'Y' and the Unemployment Indicator is equal to 'N'. Press OK to Continue.
Position information is missing, please reopen the multi position window and select a position. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Retire Plan is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Retroactive Date MM/DD/YYYY on transaction D1 400 must be less than transaction effective date MM/DD/YYYY.
Schedule must be equal to 'H' on transaction D1 400.
Step must be entered on transaction D1 400 when using Schedule '0'.
Social Security Number must be a 9 digit number.
The Amount field is a required field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The amount in the Rate on D1 400 cannot be less than XX.XX or greater than XX.XX.
The Appointment Type field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Assign Location field is a required field.
The bank and/or account information entered on row 1 matches what is currently on file. The bank code and account code will not be changed.
The Bank Code field is a required field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Birth Day field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Birth Month field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Birth Year field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Also, you cannot leave the Employee Info section of the form without entering a Birth Year.
Applies to the Appointment – New Hire/Rehire action.
The Class Code field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Comp Hours must be greater than zero. For additional information please click on the help button.
The confirmation email must match your email address.
The DHR Register Number field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
Change reason XP
The DHR Register Number field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Effective Date must be equal to or greater than the Last Change date of xx/xx/xxxx on the position. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The End Date on transaction D1 400 is Not Allowed.
The Effective Date on transaction D1 400 may only be two years in the future.
The Effective Date on your first transaction must be equal to or greater than the effective date on the current position.
The effective date on your first transaction must be equal to or greater than the pay period begin date MM/DD/CCYY (Pay period begin date of first payroll of current fiscal year) and less than the pay period begin date of MM/DD/CCYY (Pay period begin date of first payroll of next fiscal year) for fiscal year CCYY (Current fiscal year).
The Employee Information section must be completed before submit. Press OK to continue to the Employee Info section.
The Employer Deduction section must be completed before submit. Press OK to continue to the Employer Deduction section.
The End Date field D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The end date must be entered.
Applies to change reasons MC, MD.
The End Date field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Federal & State Tax Information section must be completed before submit. Press OK to continue to the Federal & State Tax Information section.
The Federal Withholding field is a required field.
The FLSA field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
Action cannot be completed and sent for approvals until a FLSA code is selected.
Also, on an Appointment action, you cannot leave the Employee Pos Info section of the form without selecting a FLSA code.
Applies to the Appointment – New Hire/Rehire and Appointment Update actions.
The FLSA field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The FLSA code cannot be changed with this change reason.
Applies to change reasons MD, RC, RD, RL, RU.
The FTE field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The FTE field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Gender field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The LastName field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The LeaveCode field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The LeaveCode field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Leave Schedule field in Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Leave Schedule field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Mailing Address field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Mailing City field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Method field is a required field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The number in the Federal Withholding field must be three digits. (Ex: Enter 008 for 8).
The number in the State Withholding field must be three digits. (Ex: Enter 008 for 8)
The Override Amount field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Override Amount field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Override Amount field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button
The Override Amount cannot be changed with this change reason.
Applies to change reasons CE, CT, DX, MI.
The Override Amount field is Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Override End Date field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Override End Date field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Override Start Date field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Override Start Date field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Overtime Accrual Switch field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Overtime Accrual Switch field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Pay Period Hours field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Pay Period Hours field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Pay Rate Indicator field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Pay Rate Indicator field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The PCN field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Position Control Number field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The position must be selected before sending. For additional information please click on the Help button.
The Race field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Rate field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Rate field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Retroactive Date field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The RHH Accrual Switch field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The RHH Accrual Switch field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The RHH Hours must be greater than zero. For additional information please click on the help button.
The Schedule Grade field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Schedule Grade field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Shift Indicator field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The State field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Suffix field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Suffix field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Time Sheet Required field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Time Sheet Required field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Unemployment Indicator field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Unemployment Indicator field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Vacation Hours must be greater than zero. For additional information please click on the help button.
The Vet Status field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Vet Type field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
The Work Type field on D1 400 transaction is Mandatory.
The Work Type field on D1 400 transaction is Not Allowed.
The Zip Code field is a required field. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
There are no active positions of status 'A' to be inactivated. For additional information on this error click on your Help button.
Total number of hours in override field is greater than number of Vacation Hours.
Warning! Current Timesheet Required field must be equal to 'N' when Override Amount and Dates are entered on transaction D1 400.
Warning! Employee has an active hourly rate override. Override end date will be updated to MM/DD/CCYY. For additional information please click on the Help button.
Warning! Employee has an On Call Hours balance of XX.X which will not be paid off be this transaction. Please refer to the documentation in Help for further assistance. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Employee has a vacation balance of ###.#. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Employee is active at another agency with a retirement plan of R2. For additional information please click the Help button.
Warning! Employee is still active in ### - XXXXXX. Please contact to verify if Transfer/Termination is in process.
Warning! Employee should have a valid status on their Visa if FICA Indicator is equal to 'Y'. Please send copy of Visa to DSP. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Federal Marital Status does not match State Marital Status. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Federal Withholding does not match State Withholding. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Future Pay Period, Time must be submitted. For additional information please click on the Help button. Press OK to continue.
Warning! If pay period hours or FTE is changed, Tier Level may also need to be changed. For additional information please click on the Help button. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Pay Location is not equal to '10' please verify FICA Indicator should be 'Y'. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Please refer to the documentation in HELP. It might be necessary to process a Position Control Action. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! Please verify the employee's Unemployment Indicator is equal to 'Y'. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! State Exempt Indicator does not match Federal Exempt Indicator. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! State has not Changed.
Warning! State tax status field is blank. Blank field will default to coded federal tax information. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! State Withholding field is blank. Blank field will default to coded federal tax information. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! The employee's current evaluation has a 'DNA – Does Not Achieve' rating. Press OK to continue.
Warning! Time must be submitted. For additional information, please click on the Help button. Press OK to continue.
Warning! Unemployment Indicator should equal 'Y' unless pay location is equal to '10'.
Warning! You have requested a payroll termination for this employee in position XXXX and a payoff transaction will be generated for payroll. The other positions(s) this employee is active/inactive in will have a personnel termination action created with a draft status. You will need to take the appropriate action on that documents(s). Please refer to the documentation in Help for further assistance. Press OK to Continue.
Warning! When jurisdiction is equal to 'C' the FLSA code 'X' should match the FLSA code 'X' on the class code. For additional information please click the Help button. Press OK to Continue.
When an override index and/or pca or a grant or project are entered you must also enter Hours.
When Change Reason on transaction D1 400 is equal to 'AY' or 'AZ' D2 and D3 cannot be coded.
When Change Reason is equal to 'XX' and incoming appointment type is equal to 'XXX' the DHR Register Number is required.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AB', the current appointment type must be 'NRB' or NGB'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AD' employee must have active posotion statewide.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AI', the current position status 'A' must equal 'B' or 'I'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AY', the current position status 'I' must equal 'A'. Please verify your current PCN.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AF' the current appointment type combo must equal 'CXR' or 'CXY' or 'CXX'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AF' the current jurisdiction must equal 'C'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AH' and the incoming jurisdiction is equal to 'C' on transaction D1 400, the current employee type 'R' must equal 'X'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AM' the current position status must equal 'B'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AN' the current employee type combo cannot equal 'M'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AN' the current jurisdiction must equal 'N'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AO' and incoming jurisdiction is equal to 'C' the DHR Register Number is required.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AP' the incoming FTE value must equal .50.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AY', employee must have at least one other position with a status equal to 'I' and appointment type combo equal to 'CPR','CPY','CPX','CTR','CTX','CXR'.'CXY', OR 'CXX'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Change Reason is equal to 'AZ', the current position status 'A' must equal 'I'. Please verify your current PCN.
When Change Reason is 'CX' and the Rate Indicator is changed, the Effective Date must be equal to a pay period begin date. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Change Reason is equal to 'DD' on D1 400 transaction and the current jurisdiction is equal to 'X' the incoming jurisdiction must equal 'X'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'MC' and current FLSA code is equal to 'X' the FLSA code cannot be changed to 'S'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Change Reason is equal to 'MD', the End Date MM/DD/YYYY must be greater than the effective date MM/DD/YYYY. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Change Reason is equal to 'MD', the 'MC' End Date can only be removed with an *. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Change Reason is equal to 'PO' the current appointment type combo cannot equal 'CBR', 'CBY', 'CBX', 'CVR', 'CVY', or 'CVX'.
When Change Reason is equal to 'RL' and the jurisdiction is equal to C on transaction D1 400 the Class Code must change.
When Change Reason is equal to 'XW' on D1 400 transaction the incoming schedule grade 'XX' and the current schedule grade 'XX' must be equal.
When changing the Rate Indicator, you must enter Rate/Salary information. For additional information please click on the Help Button.
When class code begins with '0' or '8' on transaction D1 400, and the Class Code Step is blank, then the Step must be equal to '*'.
When class code begins with '0' or '8' on transaction D1 400, the Grade 'X' must be equal to the Class Code Grade 'X'.
When Contract Holdback amount is greater than 0, the Work Type value must equal 'CT'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When current pay rate indicator is equal to 'H' the override amount and override start date cannot be entered. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When employee is eligible their Tier Level cannot be zero. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
When employee is not eligible their Tier Level must be zero. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
When FLSA code is equal to 'E' the Overtime Accrue Switch and EAL Accrue Switch must both equal 'N'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When FLSA code is equal to 'E' and Work Type is equal to 'FS' timesheet required must equal 'N' on transaction D1 400. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Hours are entered you must also enter an override index and/or pca and can enter a grant or project.
When incoming jurisdiction is equal to 'C' and the incoming appointment type is 'X' on D1 400 transaction the DHR Register Number is mandatory.
When incoming jurisdiction is equal to 'C' on D1 400 transaction the DHR Register Number is mandatory.
When jurisdiction is equal to 'C' on transaction D1 400, the Schedule must be equal to 'H'.
When Leave Code is equal to XX on transaction D1 400 the Credited State Service Hours 'XXXXX.X' must be greater than XXXXX.XX and less than XXXXX.XX.
When 'MC' is in effect, the Leave Code cannot be entered on a 'MW' change reason. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When 'MC' is in effect, the FLSA code cannot be entered on a 'MW' change reason. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When Method is 'Full' or 'Remainder', Amount field must be blank.
When pay location is equal to '10' the FICA Indicator must equal 'Y'.
When pay location is equal to 10 the Unemployment Indicator must equal to 'N' and the FICA Indicator must equal 'Y'.
When pay location is equal to 10 the unemployment indicator 'Y' must equal 'N'.
When Rate Indicator is equal to 'A' and Effective Date on transaction D1 400 is not equal to a pay period begin date all Override Fields are required.
When Rate Indicator is equal to 'A' and the employee Rate is not blank, the Adjusted Contract Amount must be greater than or equal to 1.00. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When selecting change reason 'AY' employee must have at least one other position with a status equal to 'I' and appointment type combo equal to 'CPR', 'CPY', 'CPX', 'CTR', 'CTX', 'CXR', 'CXY', or 'CXX'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When selecting change reason 'AZ' employee must have at least one other position with a status equal to 'A' and appointment type combo equal to 'CAR'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When the current Change Reason is equal to 'CO', the effective date 'MM/DD/CCYY' on transaction D1 400 must be greater than the current override end date 'MM/DD/CCYY'.
When the FLSA code is equal to 'X' the Overtime Accrue Switch must equal 'Y'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When the Rate Indicator is Annual, the FLSA code cannot be 'C'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When the RHH Accrue is equal to 'Y', the FLSA code must be equal to a 'F' or a 'L'. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When the Taxing State is equal to Idaho, the State Workers Compensation field is a required field.
When the Taxing State is NOT equal to Idaho, the State Workers Compensation field must be blank, or remove current value with an asterisk.
When updating the bank code a new account code must be entered on row #.
When using Chng/Reason 'CC" employees with current jurisdiction 'C' cannot change the Sch/Grade field. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When using change code 'CX' one of the following fields must change: Sch/Grade, Step or Rate Indicator. For additional information please click on the Help button.
When veteran status is equal to ‘N’ the veteran type must equal ‘NA’.
Verify the Vet Status is correct. If the status is 'N', then the Vet Type must be 'NA'.
When Work Type is equal to "FS" and FLSA is equal to "X", FTE must equal 1.00. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
When Work Type is equal to "PB" and FLSA is equal to "X", FTE must be 0.42-0.92. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
When Work Type is equal to "PF" and FLSA is equal to "X", Pay Period Hours must be 001.0-039.0. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
When Work Type is equal to "PP" and FLSA is equal to "X", FTE must be 0.08-0.33. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
When Work Type is equal to "PT" and FLSA is equal to "X", Pay Period Hours must be 040.0-079.0. For additional information, please click on the Help button.
Work type, FLSA, timesheet required combination is invalid. For additional information please click on the Help button.
You have the option to add a secondary email address to your profile. You will continue to receive this message until a second email is added or you choose to decline.
Select OK to add/decline secondary email
Select Cancel to close this message.
Year must be four digits and greater than 1900 and less than 9900.
Zip Code has to have a length of 5.