Purpose:  Displays the employee's current name, mailing address, pay status, effective date of the last IPOPS personnel action, pay location and work city.  If the employee is employed at another state agency, the name and address will not be shown.
Required Control Fields:
Field IdentifierDescriptionLength
USER INIT:User's Initials3
COMP NBR:Your State Organization Code 3
FISCAL YEAR/SSN:Requested Employee's SSN9
TRAN CODE:Inquiry Screen Identifier - ILC3
SECURITY CODE:User's Assigned Security Code​4
Reported Fields:
STATE ORG:Agency Code
STATUS:Pay Status
DATE:Date of Last Personnel Transaction
PAY LOC:Pay Location Code
CITY:Work Location Code
Additional Information:  At the Inquiry Menu, when 'ILC' is entered with your State Organization Code and the employee's Social Security Number, the 'TRM' screen will be retrieved if the employee's record is on the Term file.  An * next to the Status indicates the employee has been purged from that specific agency.           