Purpose: Displays the employee’s Deduction Information (Voluntary & State Sponsored), that has been established and updated on the Employee Voluntary Deduction and the Employer Deduction actions.
Required Control Fields: 
Field IdentifierDescriptionLength
USER INIT:User's Initials3
COMP NBR:Your State Organization Code3
FISCAL YEAR/SSN:Requested employee's SSN9
TRAN CODE:Inquiry Screen Identifier - IDE3
  SUBCODE:   Specific Deduction Code OPTIONAL3
SECURITY CODE:User's Assigned Security Code4
Additional Information:  Override and Adjustment Amounts will be posted to the Year to Date Amount.  Inception To Date Amount is the Deduction dollars that have been withheld since the employee’s deduction was established.  When an employee terminates, the status of their deductions is systematically changed to 'N' and the effective date is updated to the termination date. 
Limit amount will be removed from deductions when the status is changed to 'N'.