Purpose: The Speaker of the House (Rule 74) and President Pro Tem of the Senate (Rule 7) set compensation rules for legislative attaches. Legislative attaches and pages are hired annually, usually in January, and employed during the term of the legislative session.
Legislative Attaches
IPOPS – Employee Setup
Holiday Benefit: Legislative attaches will be compensated for 8 hours of HOL on holidays.
Holiday Overtime: Any hours worked on the holiday will be recorded as holiday overtime (earnings code HOW) and will be paid at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.
Personal Leave
Legislative attaches are credited with 24 hours of personal leave at the beginning of each session. Personal leave hours will be recorded in I-time using earnings code ATT. At the end of the session, any unused personal leave time will be automatically paid at the hourly wage on the last payroll of the session.
Legislative attaches who are separated at the conclusion of the session should be terminated using the SQ change reason. This change reason will generate a payoff of their remaining personal leave (earnings code ATP) on the last pay date they are paid.
Note: To ensure accurate reporting and timely payment of the remaining personal leave, separations should be processed promptly at the end of the session.
If the agency decides the legislative attache does not qualify for the personal leave, then the agency would use a SA leave code to terminate them.
The ATP earnings code is not available in I-Time or IPOPS. However, it can be paid off on a MVA.
Legislative Pages
Holiday Benefit: Legislative pages will be compensated for 8 hours of HOL on holidays.
Legislative pages do not receive paid personal leave.
Legislative pages who are separated at the conclusion of their term using the SA change reason.
Note: To ensure accurate reporting separations should be processed promptly at the end of the page's term.